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Hey guys, today was cool. You remember that guy Omar I was telling yall about?? Yeah, I can definitely say that I like him. o.o Today I went to this rehearsal kind of thing for Theatre because I'm trying out for the play "Once Upon A Mattress

Anyways, the whole time I felt like maybe I was getting closer to him in some kind of way.


Well, he gonna buy a bouquet of flowers for all the single ladies. xD


I find that cute. ^w^ He wants to give the girls he knows that are single, a  rose. I’m single so maybe I’ll get one. ^///^ I have this little scenario stuck in my head and I love it.^///^ Maybe I’ll make it into a little valentine’s special for guys!:D It’ll be a short story I guess.




 The Dragon Tattoo obviously didn’t get updated and I’m sorry. I’m currently writing the ending of the chapter and I absolutely love the way our editor fixed it. xD

My dad says I should really start watching mafia and mobster movies to get ideas for Lucien. So this week I’m gonna start doing just that. :)

So again I’m sorry for the next update not being updated. Now I will continue with my classwork even though I’m not gonna do it.>w<

Bye guys!!!! :D

Alyssa Also Known As Tamatsuki - Just MeWhere stories live. Discover now