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Okay, hey guys! I've been writing Dragon Tattoo.^-^ Sorry if I'm taking forever on uploading the chapter though. A lot of at home and school problems going.

 First, my grades at school are NOT pretty. Which is causing my problems with my family. I've told the teahcer I'm fine with her calling, but when she tells my parents she's dispointed in me, i get mad. She has no right to be disapointed. She doesn't know me like that. 

 Second, I asked my parents I could switch to Online Classes. My dad is kind of okay with the idea. He says I have to start showing "dedication". And by showing that I have to wash dishes, fold clothes, clean my room, do my homework, keep my grades absolutely amazing. 

          When I told my mom about this she freaked. She started yelling at me about if I was going to be like my cousin. My cousin dropped out though, which makes me mad. Like yes she's my favorite cousin, but I am not going to drop out from school. I'm taking online classes. I mean HELLOOO?? Come on. But yeah, she's against it. My dad's for it. My dad says if I pass the ending, then I can definitely take Online Classes. 

 That makes me happy. cx I'm excited.

Okay well I'm in my history class, with Mr. Stafford. We're learning about the Treaty of Versailles. It's pretty cool I guess. Now hey I gotta go, It's always fun telling you about my days. Now remember this is all going down since the last time I wrote, So I'm going to be more busy then I was before. But hey If I do get to do Online Classes, I'll be able to write way more!! :D

Okay Bye guys! I love yall. Especially those who read.^-^


The Dragon Tattoo will NOT be uploaded today as I wrote on the top. I will be busy with school more so then usual. Thank You.

Alyssa Also Known As Tamatsuki - Just MeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora