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What's up Babies?:)

I haven't been writing in a while. Sorry about that. But I'm going to start writing today. I'll most likely have the next update done by next week or the following.

 I'm really excited about writing this story, y'know?

 Because I mean look at how many reads I have and I'm only 15./.\ How am I even Writing this stuf??!?!?!D: lol

Well, I'm sure its because of... well not god because I'm agnostic, but some person who's a higher up.^-^ Sorry to those who believe in god and shtuffs. I am not Athiestic, so don't compare me to those meanies. Jk, but yeah I'm not an Athiest.

Okay So, I'm hating my tablet right now. -.- It's running low on memory, therefore it's not letting me poen my pictures and shit. So literally I just wiped out my entire Camera Album and boom still I have no memory left. -.-

But it's all good now because I deleted a few videos. I just moved them all over to my USB.c:

 All my pictures consist of my drawing from Instagram. ;^; Do I draw too much or what????


As I said on the top, I haven't been writing so no updates of any stories will be today or tomorrow! Sorry to disapoint you guys. It's aall because of school man. .-.

Social Media That You can follow and get more info on the book and Other things:

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             ~ Tamatsuki Chi

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            ~  (I honestly can't remember right now.;-;)

Alyssa Also Known As Tamatsuki - Just MeWhere stories live. Discover now