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okay so it seems that alot of you liked the new chapter to make up for the shorter one.xD It was really hard to do, so I'm glad you like it.^-^


 So... Valentine's Day.... I'm still selling Deserts... i've made around $100 in cash. 


I  was also hoping for the guy i like to ask me to be his valentine, but i don't think it's gonna happen, aaaand i don't even think he likes back.


 Well, i never told you guys this but my bestfriend Chelsea has been wanting me to go out with this guy named Tristan. But I've only met him face-to-face once. she tells me to just go for it, even though  i dont know him personally.


 but to be honest i feel really iffy about that, and just can't. I mean he's a really nice guy, but i don't like him like that and plus, i like that guy Omar! And she's knows that. ;-; She just keeps telling to just go for him, because she'd do that. But to be honest would she? But it doesn't matter. I'm not her.


 But yesterday he asked me to go out with him friday. He wants to take me downtown to the riverwalk, in San Antonio. It's like one of the main attractions i guess. I never really go out, so this is all a new experience to me. I just really don't want him to ask me out, because I'm afraid he'll get mad or sad. I also don't want it getting awkward for us if he asks during the time we're there.


 What do you think I should do??? TT~TT


 So, me and that guy Omar keep looking at each other lately. I don't think it's just coincidence but ehhhh.... it could be. and at lunch he sits in the table across from me. Okay im gonna try describing him, like i would do in a story.cx But mind this is gonna be how i felt when i first met him.


 i looked him in the eyes. The eyes that stared at me back. They were a hazel green and mixed brown. I couldn't help but stare. His hair was curly and light brown, with a hint of blonde. He was taller than me by 1 foot atleast. But I didn't feel overwhelmed or anything. He was wearing his black leather jakcet and dark blue jeans.

  "Hey Alison..." he says to me.

 I stare at him longer until i realize what he says. "ALISON? My name's ALYSSA!"

 He laughs, teasing me. I frown, but blush inwardly. I liked that he wuold pick on me, but i couldn't tell him that. That'd be too embarassing. I pushed him away and turned around.

 "Stop being mean!" I yell. "And leave! No one likes you!" I say this jokingly.


okay, yeah, so that might be on my valentine special short story. 




No Updates on The Dragon Tattoo Will Be Updated~! Sorryyyy!!

Alyssa Also Known As Tamatsuki - Just MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin