Dazzle Me Blind ~sonadow and mephilver~

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PART ONE ~CHILDHOOD ENCOUNTER ~"Well the sun burns as usual!" snapped a female fox. The two young vampires watched their stepmother shriek at their father. "Come on Mephy,ma is fighting da again." said the ebony hedgehog to his younger brother. The little one looked up at  his older brother and said "Why momma fight papa?" He clutched the toy wolf his mom had given him. Shadow was sad that their mother had died when Mephiles was only a three month old baby. "I don't know Mephy,come on let's go to the river" Shadow said picking Mephiles up. He teleported to the river,Mephiles was happy and playing with the little reptiles that were there. He loved those little lizards they seemed to love him too. Shadow remembered the one time Mephiles brought home one of them it was purple with green swirls,Mephiles had liked it mainly because of its eyes they were the same as his, green slits. He still had her,yes her,and was playing with her now. He named her Amber which meant fierce. As Shadow watched mephiles play with Amber he heard a rustle,and snap. He ran and grabbed Mephiles,slowly backing up as the snapping came closer until they heard a loud "ROAR!" Suddenly a giant blue werehog with grey eyes burst in growling and snarling. Shadow ran fast, Mephiles suddenly yelled "AMBEEERR!!" Shadow realised he had left Amber at the expense of that werehog. As they stopped Mephiles screamed"We need to get Amber!" "We can't! She'll have to find her way back!" Shadow argued with his younger brother. "No we're going back for Amber!" tears filled Mephiles' eyes. Suddenly a little noise behind Mephiles made him turn around. Then Shadow saw her, a purple and green swirled lizard on his back. "Mephy guess who's on you back." Shadow said happily.

           "Huh?" Mephiles touched his back and felt his little reptile. "AMBER! You escaped the bad monster!" Mephiles cried,now crying out of happiness. Amber made her little lizard noise and did her little happy dance that consists of much wiggles. They left quickly,praying that the werehog was not following them. "Amber how'd you get away?" Mephiles asked his lizard,even though he knew shed never say any thing or he thought. "Actually I climbed on you as soon as I saw you starting to leave I am very fast my scientific name is : Fasticully Xphiliant" said a gentle voice in the young vampire's head. 'Woa! You can talk in my head?!'Mephiles thought. "Yes Mephy I'm that voice that used to comfort you when you had nightmares"said Amber again.

'Does this mean your like a vampire?' "Yes I'm immortal at least....about werehogs they are immortal too" Amber said anxiously. 'W-what!? How can they be immortal?' Mephiles asked Amber. "Well...hun you need some food you look peckish!" said Amber sniffing his belly. 'Hey! Don't change the subject! And I am a little hungry...' Mephiles thought his tummy growled in agreement. Shadow stopped he saw Kate  their stepmother. "Oh crap"Shadow started,"Where have you been?!? You could have died! The suns out dummies!!" Kate shrieked. "Look mum Mephiles needed to stay away from all your shrieks you could have killed a hundred mobians the way you were screaming" Shadow said truthfully. Kate's eye twitched, "Young vampire! You get up o your room! Mephiles honey put Amber back in her case." "Mommy I'm hungry" Mephiles said again his stomach growled in agreement. "What?! You mean you didn't go look for a mobian to drink?! Oh well I'll bring you two something here shortly."Kate sighed. "Well that could have been worse couldn't it Mephy?" Amber asked. "I don't know maybe,hey Amber?" Mephiles asked his lizard. "Hmm?" 'Do you have a mommy?' asked Mephiles. Amber stiffened," Yes I used to" 'Do you miss her? And what do you mean used to?' "Well Mephy,yes I do miss her but she died protecting me and my siblings from a bird,then two years later poof! You came into my life and I couldn't be ever more grateful!" Amber said. Mephiles hugged his little lizard,he didn't put her in her case until Kate came up with two big bowls full of mobian blood her muzzle was bloody. "Savor that,it came from a carrying female"she said to Shadow and Mephiles. They did savor it because it tasted like candy they never got actual came for it could break their fangs. Amber climbed out and asked "May I?" "Go ahead" Mephiles thought. Amber dipped her head in gracefully and dank the blood. "Thank you my dear Mephiles" she said gratefully. Shadow couldn't help but wonder about their bond between Lizard and Vampire it reminded him of his wolf that ran away when his mom died. He started to cry a little remembering Howl his wolf. Suddenly he felt a small squeeze, he looked around to see Mephiles hugging him. He smiled and hugged his brother. Amber curled up in a ball where she normally slept on the bed showing Mephiles it was time for bed. He quickly got in his pajamas and gratefully fell asleep but woke from nightmares of werehogs and his mom dying. Amber and his stuffed wolf quickly helped him go to sleep. But he kept having the some person in his dreams a white person but he could never ever get close enough to see who it was.  


  It has been exactly 10 years since then and Shadow was walking with Mephiles and Amber at night. "Hey Amber have you ever fallen in love?" Mephiles asked his little lizard. "No,why?" she asked back. "Oh no reason!" he thought. Suddenly Shadow stopped him,pointing to a rustling bush. He got ready to run and attack when a blue blur pounced him and Shadow found himself pinned. Mephiles gasped as he saw it was a werehog. "Silver come look at what I've got!"the blue werehog yelled.

A white one came bounding over,"Oh I never get any fun at catching something!" he whined. Amber did her little lizard noise,and the white one's head came over to them. He got up and sniffed Mephiles making him blush. "Uh can you unhand my brother please?" he asked. Silver watched Mephiles' lips as if he wanted them. Silver looked at Sonic and Sonic nodded. "Amber what do you know about ummmm werehogs and vampires? Mabey vampires like me?" Mephiles asked. "Well some werehogs mated with vampires like you when they were in their mobian form just to pass on genes but this one might be looking for something more."Amber said.

Mephiles POV

When the white werehog started to slowly walk forward me,the blue one still pinned my unconscious brother, but suddenly the white one came forward and crushed his lips onto mine. My eyes were wide open slowly closing as he deepened the kiss. He scooped me up and the blue one scooped Shadow up they took us to a cave. Shadow woke up to find Amber on his face and it being dawn he had gotten up and saw me curled up near a silver hedgehog. I woke up shortly to find my brother death glaring me as if to say 'What the fuck did you do last night?' Amber squeaked angrily and crawled onto the blue one. "Sh-shadow I can explain! He started it!" I said pointing to the silver one. "Mhm yea sure he did!" Shadow yelled sarcastically,that woke the white one up. He smiled at me,my brother growled.          "Hey I wouldn't be growling if I didn't do anything to your         ummmm uke brother!" he yelled. "Grrr what's the white stuff plastered on Mephiles' front huh?!" Shadow snapped. I looked down on my self it was white! I looked at the white one 'Was it him who cummed on me?' I thought. "Yes Mephy it was him I heard you moans" said Amber's voice. The white one looked guiltily at me. "Urg! OK we did make love last night OK? Ya happy?" he said.

"No because well he's a hermaphrodite" Shadow said. Suddenly I remembered last night and he had said his name was Silver. "Woah I'm sorry I didn't know OK? You should be yelling at Sonic he did the same thing too!" Silver yelled at my brother Shadow looked over at the blue one my uh I guess "boyfriend" called Sonic. Shadow looked as red as mum's lipstick! And that was a deep red,I looked at Silver and asked"If you made love to me last night are we boyfriends or am I some sorta play toy?" He went pink,and he said"Yes of course....Mephy" Suddenly he grabbed me and kissed me. It was full of passion that I couldn't push him away. Amber for some odd reason jumped Silver and he quickly stopped the kiss. "Amber! What the fuck was that for?" I thought angrily. "Mephiles I can't see you be used"Amber said turning her poisonous eyes torward me. 'What?! What do you mean used?" I thought. Amber didn't answer and calmly jumped off Silver and laid down in the sun to bask.

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