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This is my first BTS fanfic and my first no crossover story hope you like it!!

(Takwa PoV)

"Are you ready?!"I shouted at the wall, knowing Caria would be behind the wall, since we are roommates.
"No! Not yet! Trying to closes my luggage!" She answers back, I sighed. She's older then me by 1 year. It's not that deep. I walked to her room to see her struggling her life right now. I walked to her and zipped the bag like a boss. Then looking at her, to only see her laughing slowly. I shook my head, twisting my hand to check the time. We are meant to leave and be at the airport at 4 pm, and right now it's 2 pm.

Oh! I haven't introduced myself yet. Well, my name is Takwa and I'm 20 years old. My roommate's name is Caria and she's 21 years old. Yes I know that she's older than me but we went to the same school. High school and middle school. I'm nice in public but crazy in person. Shes just a but lazy, though she stresses a lot. One thing I didn't tell you, we both are YouTubers. One of the famous ones. Other than Zoella, Alife, ThatcherJoe, Casper. And if I have missed anyone, I'm sorry but you get the idea. I hope so.

The reason why we are packing up, it's because we are going to Korea. One because our manager says so. Yes, it's been our dream to go there. I can't wait. We always wanted to go there because of their culture, their music as in K-pop and we always wanted to live somewhere new. Not in London, the same old London. I mean there is nothing to do there. I'm not lying. Like the places you can go that's famous is the London eye, River Thames (sp??) the London Zoo and the Big Ben. It's soo boring.

Ever since middle school, mind if I tell you we were bad kids, very bad students. So we would skip school just to learn Korean and their culture. But we would love their music the most, they put so much effort in the music video, but then you see the others like 'focus' (A/n: I like the song in real life) they are just like in one place dancing to some shit. No offence guys.

Caria is legit in love with K-pop, like she knows everyone. I mean she might have a little box in her head that stores all of her knowledge of K-pop groups. So... that's why we are going to Korea.

(Caria PoV)

So my name is Caria and I'm 21 years old. She probably didn't say what we look like and our likes and dislikes. So here I am! Yes Takwa might have said that I'm lazy, which is true, but that's only because My motivation is legit to do nothing unless it's music related. Anyways. My likes are K-pop music, sleeping, cloud gazing, sleeping, fashion, blogging, fans and a bit of makeup, nail art and the colour white. My dislikes are spicy food, very VERY big insect like spider and moths, overworking myself. On YouTube I do hairstyles, DIY, fashion, nail art and blogging I also do some reaction video.
Takwa does fashion, makeup, hairstyles, blogging and Some DIY, some nail art and reaction videos.

I like to go out with a natural makeup style not a full on clown. No offence to anyone. This is what I'm wearing now.


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