It's still there

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I typed the password for the wifi and I start to upload the video. I close my laptop and pulled my camera. Then I start to blog myself and telling them some stories about my bad experience on a plane. I then tell the why I'm whispering and told them that Takwa was sleeping. Turning my hand, so the camera lens were not facing me, showing them the beautiful views of the clouds and sea. I then told them (as the camera) that I was going to blog after since I'm tried and that I'll be waiting for my friend that's in Korea right now. Turning off my camera. Plugging my earphones to listen to 'Hello Bitches' by CL. I slept like a baby.


(Takwa POV)

I woke up, when something heavy came on my right shoulder. Turning my head I say Caria's head on there sleeping. I can't wait till we reach Korea. Wait... do we have a place to live in? Ugh. Why didn't I think of this before? Oh well it's done now.

(10 minutes I'm lazy)

I had to wake up Caria, because we are landing and she loves it. To be honest I kinda like it, just not love.

(Caria POV)

OH MY GAWD ITS THE LANDING BIT. I shouted in my head, I didn't want people looking at me like I have a metal problem.(A/N: I'm sorry if this is offensive to you are if you have anyone family or friends that have metal issues).

(10 minutes I'm lazy 😝😝)

After we did the passport check and all the security stuff. We were waiting for our luggages to come. We both 2 luggages each. One for job like camera, tripod, selfie stick, mac book, mac book charger and other things. And our clothes in the other luggage one. I sighed. 2 minutes later we saw our black nude luggages. We walked closer to the spinning thing and caught our bags and tried to pull it to the ground, which was hard to do. But I'm the end we got them. No we are walking our way back, but couldn't as there was lots of fan and screaming. Why? There's lots of security holding the fans away from a boy band? Which one? Big Bang? No. We shook our head and tried to walk away but we bumped to a fan.

(A/n: bold words/ sentences are English but non bold they are speaking Korean.)

"OMO(omg) TAKWA AND CARIA IS HERE!!" This same fan that bumped us screamed. Our eyes widened. Now almost every fan is around us and is trying to touch our hair, clothes or trying to get a pic with us.

Me having anxiety and panic attack made this situation worst. Takwa was trying to calm me down, but I couldn't hear her words. My breath quickened and I started to sweat.(blood sweat and tears😝😅). I grabbed Takwa's shoulder and shook my head, as a sign that I'm going to faint soon or I just can't take it anymore.

"Br...he j...t br...he!" That's all I could hear from the loud screaming. My eyes started to give up its strength. I can't stand on my own feet anymore, my knees kept shaking. I focused myself to walk, I saw Takwa talking to one of the security guard. My eye sight started to blur and I couldn't see where I was going. I felt 2 hands on my shoulder leading me to fresh air. My knees could not take it anymore. So I fell, but got caught my one of guards, he threw me on his back and was giving me a piggy back.

(Takwa POV)

Why! Why did it have to be now?! I swear she overcame her panic attack or anxiety. She hasn't had them since when we were 14 years old. I should have known that it would come back. I guess it's still there. I was glad that some of the guards were close to us. If not I would told them the situation she was in right now. But when I talked to them about it, I saw 7 people. In a group almost like celebrity looking like. If they are celebrities, then we didn't they be care full.

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