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We just arrived at the place and it doesn't look like a place to stay in. Oh well. Never judge a book by its cover, right? But I have to say it looks more of a company building. There's a sign that says. 'BigHit entertainment.' in purple, wait... Is in it where some famous people work for. Like how Big Bang work for YG entertainment? So who works for them?


(Takwa POV)

We walked in the building and heading to the reception.
"Hello?" I asked, trying to get her attention.
"Ah! Hello what can I do for you?"
The lady ask.
"Um, our manager is friends with the head of this building and we need to meet him." I told her what my Manager said for me to tell them. Since Caria can't do it. She nods, grabs the phone and what I'm assuming she is calling the head of this company.
"Hello sir! Um we have two people here wanting to talk to you?...so you want me to send someone to your office?...ok I'll send someone down with them....thank you..." the lady looks at us and tells us to wait for someone to take us the his office.

(10 minutes later)

A random person comes, her name is which I believe is Tina. She's a bit older then us, she looks like she's in her 30's or something. She almost reminds me of a mother. She check if you're safe and if you are hurt on the way. We told her what we do, and she was kind of shocked at first. Since she didn't know that we are YouTubers, famous ones that is.

Anyways. Right now we are all in front of his office. Tina knocks on the door, and opens it. We saw a man sitting on his chair, with some paperwork. Which I felt sorry for, but then again he is the owner of this company so...
We walked in and Tina left us all to speak.

"Um. You somehow know our manager. And she told us that you let us stay somewhere?" Caria asked.
"Ah you must be Katie's friends. Takwa and Caria Yea Katie is our manager slash friend. We both looked at each other and nodded slowly.
"I let you stay in the dorms, but you will do a favour for us." Great. He is literally blackmailing us right now.
"Depends on the favour." I said making sure Caria doesn't say anything.
"You will be the makeup artist takwa, and you Caria will do the hairstyles with the other hair stylist. And both of you will give them a sense of western fashion."

(Caria POV)

So we basically have to work for them. If it's to let us stay I'm willing to it.
"Fine but what about our YouTube channel and our daily job?" I asked.
"Hm, you can do whatever as long it doesn't make a hugs scandal okay?" We nod. He then calls for Tina to escort us to the dorms and to show us around. She shows us our office, which I gotta say it's pretty neat. By that I mean there's a big long sofa. That of course I'm going to claim. Then she shows us our dorms. We have our separate rooms, so we won't get distracted. When we are working I'm the one who stays up late trying to update, it roughly takes 4 hours to edit then another 2 hours. I blog in the morning till night, which is midnight then, I have to edit and upload it. I sometimes have no sleep. Takwa is lucky sometimes. But then again I started very early, I started when I was 16, still school. But then at the age of 18 I introduced YouTube to her, when she was 17.

Tina leaves us to our own, I started to pack. I'm not THAT organised, like if I want to I can, but I preferred not to. It's too much effort. After I finished, I went exploring the company and the dorms farther. Oh! I forgot there's one thing that I didn't tell you about myself, I started to dance, which is my I have a flat stomach. I know takwa believes that my body is a black hole that takes any fat. But no, I love to dance. There's one thing I know takwa is gonna kill me if I tell you, she loves singing. I once came back from a long run and found her singing her heart our. But I kept it a secret, evil I know, who cares.

The eyes of the Bangtan boys (BTS fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora