Getting ready

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I blushed, when I found out how he found me. I rather call my self a dancer then a singer. I stood up.
"I'm trying to head to my dorm room, but you know I'm lost." I laugh nervously scratching my head.
"Oh okay, do you remember the area?"
I shook my head.
"We just got here about 40 minutes ago. I don't have time to memorise the whole place that's a maze. But I know it's near the managers office." After that none of us spoke a word. Eventually we found my dorm, he 'drops' me off and I say thank you and we both say our good byes. Before we did, we weirdly exchanged our phone numbers. He left and that's when I got a call from Takwa. I explained everything to her. And she says she's one her way back.


(Takwa POV) -the next day-

I woke up with a terrible hair day. My whole hair is full of knots. I don't know if my arms are going survive, when I'm gonna brush this beast that I hold. But for now, I tied my hair into a very lose bun. And I got my breakfast ready. I still don't know if I should text V to plan the party or not. Instead of thinking about it I just texted him any ways.
V- V😂
T- Takwa

T- hello?
V- who's this??
T- ah it's me the person u yesterday. Remember
V- T-Takwa
T- yep! So I just wanna ask when are we gonna have the party?
V- my hyungs said it was okay. And we are going to have in a private bar!
T- k k u don't hav to that excited
V- what's the theme? Like what types of clothes?
T- idk a normal clothes that you would wear like for girls a dress and for guys... um yea
V- ah so anything!
T- yep!!
V- is this gonna be a surprise party or not.
T- nah what's the point to much hard work. Oh shit gtg! See u later! Ps it's tonight and 8:00 PM not AM
T- hahaha k bye!

I set my phone down as I head Caria woke up and is now walking down the stairs. I quickly set some eggs and toast and beans on her plate. She rubs her eye and sat on the chair, her nose moves a bit as a sign of sniffing.
"What the fuck is that horrible smell?" She asked, with her face in a sneezing position.

"Find out your self." I told her. She glares at me, I told you that she's not a morning person. Which is sometimes funny, but if she's listening to music do not. And I repeat do NOT take her earphones off or change the music she's listening. Her demon side will come. By the way there's no demon. Yea only in hell, but when I mean her demon side will come out, you'll see a really bad side of her. She looks down and sees her plate. Her eyes widen, you see she absolutely hate eggs and bean. Especially kidney beans.

"I'm not eating that." Ugh sometimes I feel like I'm older then her.
"Please eat that."
"If you eat that I'll do everything for you."
"Everything?" Shit I take that back. This is going to be the biggest sacrifice in my life. I gulped a big lump of saliva.
"Everything." Ah I'm really going to regret saying that.
"Fine." After that she starts eating it. Peacefully. Quite a shocking. My breakfast considers toast and coffee. I like to eat my toast plain. Unless it's Nutella, that spread that was made from heaven it's self. It's so delicious. If anyone out there hates Nutella, you're not human.

Fun fact!
I know BTS. I remember going to their concert and remembering Caria complaining how the back up dancers were not in time with the BTS. And boy it annoyed her.
My favourite is V but it changed to Jungkook the fetus. He's soo adorable, even though I'm like one year older than him. I still consider him as my bias.
And I love singing. I know I'm telling a big secret, even Caria doesn't know that I sing. I'm scared, when I sing. I don't like singing in public, cause if I break my voice I start randomly laughing. It's so weird though.

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