The Meeting

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POV: Abigeal

Abigeal:" OMG...... you're the mother of William Singe!"
Will's Mother:"yes I am sweetheart."

I could see on her face that she was happy to meet me. And I could see on her face that she liked me.

Abigeal:" it's an honor to meet you Mrs. Singe."
Will's Mother:" well I think it's A bigger honor if you see Liam on yourself."

She handed me the laptop that she had on her desk and believe it or not I saw him... The man... Itself... William Singe. ( he was busy with some paperwork so he didn't saw me yet.)

Abigeal:"OMG hi hello...."

He was still busy with his paperwork and said:
"Hello nice to meet you too how are yo....

When he saw me he stopped with talking and there was a period of silence. before I could say something he already begun with giving me compliments.

Will:" OMG wow you're gorgeous... Oh my...wouw😍

Abigeal:" oh stop I'm not that pretty"

Abigeal stay cool

Will:" no you really are."
Abigeal:" Well thank you... I think?"
Will:"so Australia hu?"
Abigeal:" Yes."
Will:" Why actually?"
Abigeal:" Well Im actually trying to be someone like you."
Will:" So you can sing."
Abigeal:" And dance and play some instruments."
Will:" Ow oke cool, my mother told me which time you guys will arrive at the airport. My ober driver will pick you up and bring my mother to her home and you can come to my house."
Abigeal:" Omg 😲 I...I think..

I saw the mother of Will winking yes to me with a big smile so I did what I always dreamed of.

Abigeal:" Yes sure, I will call the hotel to cancel my reservation."
Will:" Yes that's great, for how long you going to stay in Australia?"
Abigeal:" 2 years 😅."
Will:" Wouw..😍"
Abigeal:" Is that oke?"
Will:" Yes of course, you can stay with me till the end of your vacation if you want."
Abigeal:" OMG THANK YOU."
Will:" No thanks 😉."

The airplane will go up about 15 minutes.

I handed over the laptop back to the mother of William Singe and she took it with a big smile on her face. After a few minutes I heard something about me:
Will:" She is gorgeous mom."
Will's Mother:" I know son I already thought you would think that so that's why I handed her the laptop and she looks very musical."
Will:" I know mom thanks 🙏🏼 you made my day love you 😘."
Will's Mother:" I love you too son."

Than I fell asleep and woke up getting food from the employee and talked with the mother of William Singe and that was actually the whole flight....
When we arrived the ober driver of William Singe was there he helped us with the suitcases and brought the mother of William Singe to her house and brought me to the house of William Singe when I arrived by his house I saw like 5 boys standing at the front door of the house and 1 guy came over to me.... it was William.

Will:" you are hotter in real life 😍."
Abigeal:" Thank you 😊."

2 of his friends were talking about me and I heard them say:
Jack:" Damn Will was right she is f*cking hot
Julian:" I know..f*ck."

The friends of William were quiet and they're mouth dropped

Abigeal:" Keep you're mouthed shot guys 😉."

I winked at them friendly.

When I came in with the suitcases in my hands and William with some bags Julian closed the door behind him and his house was to beautiful to resist....

So guys what will happen in that house of will you will find out in the next episode of.... You and me- William Singe story
Bye bye 😘❤

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