4.Don't go home without me

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Kaleidoscope of memoirs: A ride to remember

" Oh hello! Why are you still standing here like a lamp post? Ghar jaane ka irada nehi hain kya?(Don't you feel like going home today?)" Swara was all set to start her ' Cutie pie', she was wearing a cute red girly helmet. "I don't need any bodyguard to see me off, got it?" Sanskar unwillingly mounted his sports bike, a black Kawasaki Ninja 300 which he got on his last birthday from his elder brother Adarsh. But when had Sanskar Maheshwari ever acted against his will?

"Swara wait!" He got off his bike suddenly. Yelling at the top of his voice, he began to chase after her scooty which was still moving at a relatively slower pace. " Please don't leave me! SWARA!"As soon as that commotion reached her ears, Swara glanced at the rear view mirror . With a puzzled expression on her face she halted her scooty by pressing hard brake, making a slight screeching sound on the ground.

She waited till he had reached near her. "Now what? Just now you were telling me to leave for home . What happened to your concern?"She seemed clearly livid by his tantrums by now. Sanskar, on the other hand,was holding his knees bending forward, huffing and puffing. Looking at her he gave his best toothy grin, a smile that was charming enough to make almost any young lady weakened at her knees. Swara's frowning brows even couldn't dimmed it. "Don't go home without me, Swara! "

"Heh?! "

"I don't have any ride to go home! Give me a lift na Swara! Pretty pretty pleea-se!" Sanskar made most innocent face, almost giving a puppy eyed look. Though she felt pulling his cheeks, she still kept her stern mode on... Wait! Why would she feel like pulling his cheeks?She felt her own ones were getting warm with rushing reds. "Why? What happened to your buddy?"

"They left for their home. I can't stay here for hours waiting for them."He pouted, desperately hoping she would melt by his faked innocence.

"Uff!You're impossible. I'm not talking about those manner less, foolish friends of yours." She bit her tongue. She was talking about HIS friends, about some seniors! She felt relieved when he didn't seem to acknowledge her slip, "I'm asking what happened to your handsome bike over here!" She pointed towards the magnificent black sports bike standing behind him. This time he didn't laugh crazily like before, his lips curved upwards a little. "My Buddy got sick, dear. He can't get me home. Now please let your Cutie pie to help me. There's even no taxi nearby."

" OK, hop on!" she sighed. This guy was nothing but a trouble. A hot trouble!


"Had you gripped my cutie properly? Though I'm a very careful driver, there are many other idiots on the roads." Swara's eyes were on the road. Her stray strands of hair were brushing Sanskar's face occasionally,his nostrils were filled with lavender fragrance of her. He dreamily murmured, " Koi bhi idiot baan jayega (Anyone will turn into an idiot)... After sensing your presence around any sane people will forget how to drive..."

"Did you say something?"

"Nahi (Nothing), I mean I was saying I'm around 1 feet taller than you... Toh bahut jhukna par raha hai (So I'm bound to bend myself too much)...My back is paining in the process of holding the seat properly."

" Alright then!You can hold by my shoulder. Par jyada chipkao mat(But don't get too touchy)." She cursed her fate today, which was adamant about bringing her closer to him at an alarming speed.But she couldn't let Sanskar to get hurt in case there's any untoward event, could she? He mentally raised his collar, to come up with such good excuses, pretending to have his bike not working and that back pain. He hesitantly grabbed her shoulder, "Curious mind wants to know... Do you give names to all of the bikes around you? Cutie pie! Buddy!"
"Nope!" Her lips lingered around the 'P', "That bike must meet the standard of Swara Singhania. Everything about that bike should be hot n happening!"

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