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Kaleidoscope of memoirs : Serenity and serenade

Youth is nothing without college. Swara felt an odd sense of exhilaration as she stepped inside the campus after ten days of house arrest. She missed her gang who came with mindless indulgence. With pinch of small fights for idiotic reasons, she had friends to cherish forever.

Though she was not going to admit, she did miss someone else too. Be it his untimely winks, or those teasing smiles or be it his pathetic cheesy lines, he invaded her like an uninvited guest. She almost eagerly  waited for that cat and mouse chase to be initiated by one incorrigible yet devilishly charming senior.

Perhaps that's why her recently recovered feet took the pain to do ridiculous things. Otherwise why she would proceed to civil building before her classes. To see Laksh. Her reason was strong enough, right?

"I never heard something so cheesy. This Lucky will be lucky if you hold my hand forever. Eww! Most pathetic pick up line ever!" Meghna almost made a pukish face. "This guy is hell bent on ruining his image. Hardly we've passed a month and it is his 7th proposal already!"

" Aww! Don't be so harsh on the guy." Swara stifled a laugh. "I heard seven is renowned for bringing fortune."

"Apparently that fortune girl turned out to be a senior." Sanskar quipped  with his trademark smirk.

"A senior?" That's all she could say, the tall lean guy in black tee and jeans had caused a temporary shortage in her linguistics section. However she was not to be blamed. One shouldn't look so handsome and cute at the same time that he deserved to be punished. It was not fair. Wasn't she supposed to ignore his infectious charms?

"World is unfair, you see. The hardworking and sincere one is left with nothing but despair." He feigned a deep sigh. "On the other hand his heartless sloth friend is being showered with hearts and flowers. But that girl chooses to crush them all with her 6 inch high heels."

"I don't even wear heels! Even if I do, they are never that high!" She threw her fist in vain anger and regretted for this early amble in the morning. How could she forget this chocolate eyed devil had immense power to spite her anywhere, be it her home or campus.

She looked for Meghna, to support her weak limb for a dignified departure.But where was she?

Argh! That traitor in the name of friend! That girl, without a warning had royally ditched her and left her in the mercy of a dangerously cute stalker.

"Did I mention your name? Pakde gaye, hain na? Now that you confirmed yourself as culprit, Miss Angry Kitty, tell me. How many hearts you've crushed till date? You said seven is the lucky charm. So what's the count right now?"

"How about you count the bullets in my dad's gun instead, Sunny?" Swara lowered her voice as she strode dangerously close to him. "He will happily unload them all once he finds Sanskar the eve teaser."

And he was blown away, once again. Oh, this little tornado! His Tsunami girl!

"Will he?" His hand rested on her shoulder. "Is it because his daughter doesn't find me that bad anymore? Or is it because half a dozen scoundrels have fallen already?"

Her eyes fell on the hand yet didn't expressed any intent to oppose. "I don't think the count is even one. Being scoundrel is easy, but it's hard to fall in love."

Sanskar, on the other hand, had different opinion. Yes, being scoundrel was easy. But when the girl was Swara Singhania, it was easier to fall in love, madly and irrevocably.

"I'll say, it's also hard to see you suffer." His hand on her shoulder sneaked to her waist. He was in a strange sense of elation. Having Swara by his side, in his arm, what more he could want? H er honey brown eyes appeared more haunting even if the owner was caught off guard.

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