「 ZERO 」

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Italics = Sign Language

THE class moved in sync, the movie blasting loudly, the grunts and claps filling the last bit of silence. Xavier led the class perfectly, all of their bodies burned but he kept reminding them that it would be worth it in the end. Montana moves beside her friend, the girls smirking at each other as they began the hip thrusts, the music beginning to get more upbeat.

Sat in the corner, oblivious to movements around her, Olivia read her comic book that she had brought with her while her sister worked out. She paid no attention to the music blasting out loud, she paid no attention to the people in the room making rather sexual sounds while feeling their bodies move to the music. She couldn't keep up with them even if she tried to.

They were now on the floor, their hips still thrusting as Montana and her friend noticed the brunette laying down at the back hold eye contact with Chet. Of course. It wasn't long until they were on their sides, lifted their leg up at 90°, their stomachs burning as they felt their muscles tightening. Xavier surely knew what he was going.

The class continued for a couple more hours, and Xavier ended it with a bang. The music stopped and everyone paused in a dramatic way, a way they thought would suit them best. Some did splits, whereas some reached into the air as if they were a pop star, but it didn't matter when the blonde teacher clapped his hands congratulating everyone. A round of applause echoed throughout the room as they all began cheering, their long lesson coming to an end.

"No classes from me for the next couple of months but.. well done everyone. Make sure to show your moves to the next person you have. I doubt they'll be as good as me" Xavier smirked, high fiving a few of his students. Montana hugged the girl beside her before she left her side, walking over to the corner.

She whipped her towel on her shoulder, Olivia's head still in her comic book before her leg was nudged, her head moving up.

"Time to go" Ana said, moving her head to the side, indicating it was time to leave. Olivia nodded her own head, moving off of the bench and grabbing her sisters workout bag as she already began to walk away. The blonde was the last out, and she watched as Ana made her way towards the showers, walking closely behind Montana.

She stood in the waiting area, her comic book held against her chest as her sisters bag weighed on her shoulder. This was a daily routine for Olivia, and she couldn't really get tired of it. There wasn't much that she could do, so coming out of the house and reading a comic while waiting for her sister to finish her workout was better to her than sitting around and doing absolutely nothing.

It wasn't long until Montana and Ana walked out the lockers together, joining Olivia's side. The blonde sent a smile in Olivia's direction, earning one back as her sister removed the bag from her shoulder. Ana placed her hand gently onto Olivia's back before guiding her away from the waiting room.

They reached the main area, all ready to leave after their workout. Montana joined in on the boys' conversation, Olivia and Ana not paying attention. Ana pulled her sister over to the sofas, the two sitting across from each other. Olivia opened her comic book again, continuing to read as Ana glanced in the window at the people working out in the gym next to them, tapping her foot and waiting for the rest of them to join her. She rolled her eyes when she heard the conversation that they were having.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 Xavier Plympton Where stories live. Discover now