Chapter 24

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Dr.: He's Fine. He's breathing but he's not awake.

Me: How long do he have to stay

Dr.: I'm about 4 to 5 months

Me: I got to go we were just visiting here

Dr.:  you betta hope for a miracle

He walked off. We started in Michael room. I got grabbed.

Me: What Odell

Shy: Wrong it's me

Me: wassup?

Shy: I seen your crooked cop talking to a few friends we don't want to see

Me: Who

Shy: You remember when we did that thing well it's in the backyard and the friends are Detectives.

Me: Shit

Shy: you the only female in the group so you fuck the boy and one of us will fuck the girl. The more we fuck them the more they'll lie for us.

Me: I can't do that I already have the crooked cop

Shy: What about Khalika

Me: Idk If she just came in the crew she doesn't know what we do

I opened the door.

Me: Khalika can you come out here please.

She walked out to the hallway and looked at Shy.

Khalika: Hi

Me: This is my ...Friend Shatine or Shy

Khalika: Hi

Me: We need a Favor so that Michael can be safe

Khalika: Ok what

Me: you see that Detective we need you to have sex with him so that he can be on our side

Khalika: Haha I know what you mean and I know you did something else so tell me everything

I told Khalika everything. She looked at me with shock in her eyes.

Khalika: Damn we one crooked family

I laughed

Khalika: But I'll do this for you

She walked over and started talking to the man and Shy looked at me and Smiled. he walked to the women.
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Everyone left it was just me Demarious(Mari) and Carmella.

Mari: I need some food damn

Me: Me too

Carmella: I can go get some

Me: Can you Get some Chipotle

Carmella: Yea what about you Mari

Mari: Same thing

Carmella: Ok

She left out and Michael flat lined again.

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