Chapter 25

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I looked at Carmella.

Me: Go get a nurse Now!

I ran and started pushing his button really fast. The nurses came in. They started trying to wake him up. A nurse start pushing me and Mari out.

Me: Michael hold on for me please!

He pushed us out into the hallway we ran to the glass window and looked in the room. The nurse started shocking him. Tears rolled down my face. Mari hugged me.

Mari: it's ok

The nurses continued . I looked at Mari.

Me: I did this

Mari: It's not your fault

Me: it is Mari I hit him with a lamp

Mari: He'll be ok just stop rambling

The doctor came back.

Dr: Miss Gardener

Me: Yes

Dr: We need you to go to the waiting room

Me: Ok

Me and Mari walked into the Full room. It was only one seat open. Mari sat down and pulled me into his lap.

Me: I feel like a baby

Mari: Cause you are a baby The Crews Little Princess. We'll do anything for you.

Me: I know

I laid my head on Mari shoulder. When I seen Troy walk in.

Mari: Demon at One o'clock

Troy spotted me and Mari. He walked over to us. He looked mad.

Troy: What the fuck is wrong with your family.

Me: What you mean

Troy: You know what they did to me

Me: You knew the consequences before you got involved with me

Troy: Fuck that Shit

He pulled out a gun and pointed at me and Mari.

Me: Do Pussy boy. My brother gone. Ha Marcus is gone do it bitch.

Troy: What you Mean Marcus is dead

Me: you heard me bitch

Troy: Damn

Mari: Aye Troy get the fuck out of here

Mari put me in the chair and stood up. He blocked me.

Troy: Oh you got you a body guard huh

Me: Nah both you aint met my body guard.

I stood up and pushed Mari out the way. I'm surprised these people Sony seeing this Shit. Well it is 2 in the morning.

Troy: Shut up hoe

I started running at Troy. When I hit something hard. I stumbled backwards. I looked up and Odell was standing there.

Me: Man move

Odell: No ma'am. We need you in for questioning.

Me: *whispering* What you talking bout

Odell: They got a tip that you killed Marcus

Shit my big ass mouth

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