Chapter Twenty-One

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Molly is sitting in Titus's lap, playing with his hair. She just woke up, and her face has gotten better, but her eyes are still constantly swimming in tears and fear. Titus stares at her with patience and love in his eyes that I know so well. I brush some of the hair that has fallen into her big blue eyes out of her face, and I see a glimpse of a dimple form on her freckled cheek.

"How old are you?" Titus asks kindly, and quietly, as if not to startle the moment. Molly fiddles with her fingers, and blinks a couple times. She holds up seven stubby fingers like her father's. Her eyes stand out against the rest of her face, her eyelashes thick, and long. I smile a toothy grin, and hold her search for her eye contact.

"Oh, you're such a big girl, aren't you?" A giggle springs from her lips, and Titus stares at me in awe. He nods, encouraging me to talk to her more. "My name is Rory, and this is my friend Titus. We are going to take care of you. Is that okay?" She frowns a little bit, and nuzzles up to Titus.

"D-daddy doesn't like it when I stay away too long." Titus tilts his head, and looks at her.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" He asks. She springs up and wraps her arms around Titus.

"I stayed at the library with Mrs. Maizy... he didn't like it," Titus hugs tightly back. She latched onto him so quickly. Desperate for love in any way that she could get it, and Titus happened to be the first one to hug back. 

"We won't let your daddy hurt you any more. I promise, Molly." Titus' voice cracks, and tears rush to my eyes. Molly sits back, and slams her hands on her knees.

"I like to dance and read." I laugh, not able to believe that she opened up so much in the course of thirty minutes.

"I like to dance." I offer, and stand throwing my arms out dramatically. I smile widely, and motion for Molly to join me. She squeals in delight, and her little, dirty pink dress falls around her knees. She grabs my hands and I spin her in a circle, and move my hips in goofy ways. Titus sits back, and observes.

"If you aren't going to join, you must sing for us." He puffs out his cheeks, and shakes his head. Molly throws herself at Titus' knees, and hugs them tightly. I decide to join her, and I rest my head on his shoulder, fluttering my eye lashes.

"I don't do that kind of thing."

"Not even for your favorite girls!?" Shouts Molly. I laugh and cover my blushing face. Titus laughs the laugh I haven't heard since we left the laboratory.

"Only for my favorite girls." He picks us both up with each arm, and spins us around. We both sqeal simultaneously, and he lets us down. He throws his arms around my neck, and puts his face extremely close to mine. I get lost in his eyes, and don't even realize Molly had jumped on his back, and pressed her face between ours.

"I want to show you guys something." Molly whispers excitedly. Our minds return to the earth as quickly as they left, and Titus lets go of me, and sets Molly down.

"Absolutely," Titus and I sit against the wall and leave the whole 'dance floor' to Molly. She smiles, and shivers excitedly. I beam up at her encouragingly. She points her right foot out, and brings it up to her knee, and springs up onto her toe, and spins around three times like that. Her black hair follows her head, and whips around beautifully. Titus and I gasp, and embrace her.

"That was AMAZING!" Titus exclaims and ruffles her hair. I laugh and hug her tightly. Behind me, the ancient door creaks open.

"That was quick." Carter is standing there, a large sack hanging over his shoulder, and eyeing Molly suspiciously.

"Oh, shut up." Titus rolls his eyes, but they both embrace. Carter must have found out about Lilly. He squeezes his eyes shut tightly, and pulls Titus in close.

"It sucks," Carter whispers. He wasn't talking to me, and he wasn't acknowledging me, but I nod. It sucks. It all sucks. It sucks that Lilly didn't have a future with Carter. It sucks that Lilly didn't grow older, and lovlier. It sucks that I couldn't save her. It sucks that those who love her now have to live in a universe without her.

Carter pulls away from Titus and rubs the top of my head. I smile slightly. He laughs. A laugh that drives away his own grief. Laughter is a way to fend off sadness, and Carter would be the one to laugh instead of face that. "You guys got yourself into a heap of sh-"


"...Crap, and you guys decide to bring a child into this. Classic Titus. Idiot." Titus sneers, and yanks the bag from Carter.

"Um, how is it, Carter? I mean, out there. Do they hate me?" Molly runs to Titus, and they rummage through the food and drink together. Carter turns to me, and whispers, "It is everywhere. People are really scared of you. People believe everything that you put on their television and computer screens. It is incredible. Why I got into the reporting business, actually." My heart sinks. The whole world fears me. "Basically everyone in Colorado is staying in their houses, and locking themselves in."

"What did he say about me?" Carter holds up a tablet, and the Demon projects onto it. He is frowning, and nodding his head as if he did something terrible. He points at the marks that Titus left on him.

"She did this. I was just offering her some food, and she attacked me, and got hold of a gun. We lost one of our dearest scientists to her. May Lilly Crilley rest in peace, and her family find happiness in the midst of this very hard time. She was very dear to me, and the fact that she was lost, well, it makes my blood boil. I just want the monster I have created to come to justice. That is all I want." Titus stands and bangs his fist against the wall. Over and over. I let him. He has every right to be angry.

But all I feel is pain. Pain, and guilt. I walk over to Titus and place my hand on his back. He rests his head against the wall.

"I brought beer, mate. Crack one open." I frown, and sit down beside Molly as Titus and Carter sip beer, and talk. I don't listen. I just let myself fall asleep, curled up with Molly.

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