Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Titus, tell me what happened when I was unconcious." He looks at me nervously through the review mirror. We have been driving for five hours, and I have no idea where Titus is taking us. My chest is in pain, but I assume it is because of my lungs trying to ajust once again to their own strength rather than the oxygen I was given at the hospital.

"When you went unconcious, we were about five minutes away from the hospital. I got us there in two minutes by breaking a numerous amount of laws," I purse my lips, more laws broken is exactly what I need to restore my reputation, "When I got to the hospital I left Melody in the car, and ran you in. I don't know how everyone recognized you, but they did. It was crazy- they actually believe you a monster. You." I wanted to welcome him to the realization that, yes, Dr. Finley had succeeded just as he promised to ruin my life. I start to scratch my wrist. "Well, they refused. They would not service you, and I- I wasn't going to let you die, Rory. I couldn't-" His voice breaks, and he clears his throat, "I pulled out the gun and demanded they help you and Melody in any way they could. They listened."

"They didn't call the police?" I say, but immediately regret it. Titus sighs deeply, and my chest feels like fifty pounds was just thrown on top of it. "Do you think Dr. Finley planned this too?" The car slows, and he looks back at me, he nods microscopically.

"Yes. Yes, of course." Anger boils in my stomach, and tears tickle the back of my eyes, "My life is a simulation! There is nothing I can do to make it my life. No matter how hard we try to escape him, he is still there, planning every step I take. I feel so alone, and so trapped. I just- no matter what I do, Titus, I hurt someone. And that makes me a monster, and I can't stand it! I can't do this anymore!" I startle Melody, and she sits up, and looks back at me. Exhaustion written all over her face, she smiles.

"What makes being a monster such a bad thing?" She whispers, mischief gleaming in her eyes. The world around me quiets, and my breathing shallows. The correct answer, of course, is that you are hurting people, and that is not right.


It seems like that is what they want. They refuse to think that I am anything other than a monster, so am I to fight the monster they create, or am I to accept it? Because I hurt people either way. So I could live in constant civil war between my image, and what I believe to be right. Or I could just accept it. Which seems so much more peaceful.

Titus pulls into a parking lot in front a small, desolate looking place. It is small, and worn down with a red roof, and a screen door. It has "DESTER'S DINER" written in glowing red letters across the top of the building, but S and N are no longer brightly lit, so that it reads "DETER'S DIER". Titus turns around.

"We need something to eat." I nod, holding back a sob. His eyes relax, and he jumps out of the car and opens my door. He holds out his arms, and I bury my face in his chest. He presses his lips against the top of my head.

"I am sorry, baby. I just couldn't lose you. I don't care what people see you as. I just need you here with me." He doesn't care. He doesn't care. That phrase shouldn't mean as much as it does. It shouldn't mean much more than what it implied. But, to me, it means I can relax. I can just be with Titus. I pull apart from him, and nod, wiping the tears from my face.

"I am pathetic." Titus acts extremely offended. He takes my face in his hands, and kisses my nose. I try not to smile, but eventually his adorable face wins.

"You, Rory Destiel, are the opposite of pathetic. You are the bravest, lovliest, and wisest young lady that I have ever had the pleasure of loving. No one could go through this, and still come out of it with the beautiful smile that you have." I look at him gratefully. Melody touches Titus' arm.

"I want food." She says bluntly.

"Right." We walk up to the restaurant, and I am immediately hit with the smell of fried food. I press my lips together, the smell of food rekindling my starvation. My steps quicken, and I plop into a booth with worn, red leather benches. The tables are clean, but scuffed up and decrepit. I leaf through a three-page plastic menu. The options range from awkardly named burgers (e.g The Pineapple Delicacy!) to make-your-own pasta dishes, including the ingredients tuna and black beans as an option. Melody slams her menu on the table. A plus-sized man waddles to our table, in a t-shirt sprinkled with food stains, and some cargo shorts. He has small glasses that are on the tip of his nose, and curly red hair. He is about twenty.

"What would you people like to drink?" He shifts his weight, which makes me think he is impatient. I scan the menu looking for a list of drinks, but there isn't one. So, I opt for water. Titus and Melody go for the same. He swallows, and nods sharply before walking away. Titus leans his head on mine.

"What ya getting?" I twiddle with the edge of my menu.

"I don't know. I am thinking I am going to go with the Caveman Patty or the Pink Spaghetti." He laughs, and it warms my heart.

"I personally would prefer the Cabbage Stew." Melody giggles to herself, the wrinkles on her forehead deepening.

"I loved cabbage. It was my favorite food, and all of my friends would make fun of me for it." My heart seems to stop, but it is the only thing that I can hear. I grab Titus' knee, and he nods. I lean across the table, so that we can be face to face.

"Do you- you remember your past?" Melody seems amused by my behaviour.

"Every bit."


I haven't updated in so long I am sorry.

I am just having a hard time putting my ideas on the page. Like, i have this awesome idea in my head, and putting it into words is so hard! But, yeah. That is my only excuse.

I hope you guys are enjoying.

Today was lovely. i hope it was the same for you.


~Mattie Mae

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