Chapter 7

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The old fashioned sleepover was exactly what Meredith needed. She felt lighter, happier, better. Ella listened to what she had to say about Nate and just listened. Of course, at that point she had drunk a little too much and so she wasn't sure exactly what she said. Regardless, she felt better about everything. If he was with that girl it couldn't be that serious after a week, right? She had hope that she could swoop in and make him forget about her.

Except that Meredith was probably one of the worst people at the art of seduction.

She woke up to the sound of the TV on in the living room and a hushed conversation being had. Lily wasn't in her usual spot, curled up in the crook of her legs. Meredith rolled out of bed in her night shorts and tank top. A chill hit her bare skin when she left the warmth of the covers. She grabbed her favorite blanket, a luxuriously soft and fuzzy blanket, and wrapped it around her shoulders. As she passed by the clock on her nightstand she caught the time. Ten in the morning. It was too early to be awake especially since they stayed up fairly late last night watching the movies Ella brought.

The conversation was still going on as she walked through the door into the living room. She expected Ella to be on the phone with Josh but she did not expect there to be a living, breathing human in her house. Much less the person standing beside Ella in her living room.

"Nate?" Saying that she was shocked was a severe understatement. Suddenly self-conscious, she wrapped the blanket closer around her. "What are you doing here?"

Nate and Ella were standing close together but when she said something, his head shot up and they both took a step back from each other.

"I came to see you," he said after a moment's hesitation. If he was being honest with himself, he didn't know why he showed up at her house at ten in the morning. He woke up earlier next to Heather and she stirred not long after. He made up an excuse about work to do and offered to drive her home. She accepted and after he dropped her off he found himself at Meredith's house.

Maybe it was his guilt.

"Why?" After nearly a week of something close to radio silence she was more than slightly suspicious of his intentions and appearance. Especially this early. She didn't even have the chance to brush her teeth or hair. Hell, she hadn't had her coffee yet so her mood was bound to be sour.

"Just to see you." His eyes burned into hers.

Why the sudden change of heart? She asked herself. His mood swings were seriously giving her whiplash. Shedding her blanket, she walked over to the kitchen and grabbed the coffee maker. She didn't have a reply for him so she left the room and made a statement that was clearer. "Would either of you like coffee?"

Ella was still standing between them. Her mouth was wide open with shock. She snapped her mouth shut and lead Nate into the kitchen. Along the way she picked up Lily and made herself comfortable at the counter island.

Nate and Ella nodded so Meredith poured the coffee grinds she bought yesterday into the maker. It was silent as the coffee maker sputtered and whined as it made steaming hot coffee.

"So what did you want to talk about?" She left her blanket in the living room and she regretted that decision. She felt exposed in front of him in nothing more than a tank and shorts. Unconsciously she crossed her arms on her chest.

Nate looked handsome and put together as usual. He wore a plain button up shirt, jeans, and oxfords. His black hair was messily put back. Somehow he looked completely sophisticated. She also didn't think that she had ever seen him in anything other than a button up.

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