Chapter 9

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Meredith woke up in her old bed. When her eyes first fluttered open, she was disoriented and wondered why the walls were a different color before she remembered that she was back home. The snuggly warm quilt that her grandmother had made for her was tucked tight around her. Like so much of the house, her room hadn't changed in the years it had been vacant. The walls were still painted a soft lavender, picture collages of her and friends were still hung on the wall, the desk with old papers shoved in places, the full length mirror propped against the wall. Even the sunlight that streamed in through the transparent white curtains even felt the same on her skin.

She stretched, yawned, then clambered out of bed and headed to the bathroom adjoined to her room. She rummaged through her toiletries bag, looking for her toothbrush. Once she found it, she wetted it and place a dollop of toothpaste on the bristles.

Two minutes later she brushed her hair and changed into shorts and a t-shirt. She sauntered downstairs and saw that John was already sitting at the breakfast table eating cereal.

"Good morning," she chirped with a smile. She turned to face the coffee maker, itching for her mug of energy. John had already made a pot and it was brewing more. When it finished, she grabbed a mug and poured the dark liquid. A couple splashes of creamer and two packets of sugar later she was leaning against the counter, nursing it.

"Do you have any plans today?" She raised her eyes from her drink to meet his.

John shook his head no and took another bite of his cereal.

"I think I'm going to call Olivia and go out with her tonight." Meredith offer up the information and hoped that he would say something back. He didn't. She began to wonder why she still even tried, but she knew she would never give up hope on him. "Is that all right? Do you have plans tonight?"

He nodded his head then pointed to the refrigerator. There was a flyer pinned up that advertised a senior night. That would be something good for him to go to.

"That's a good plan. Do you work today?"

He nodded his head and gestured towards the truck, his mouth was full of mush. He owned the local hardware store and so he was usually the one to take the Saturday shifts. Of course.

"Right. My flight leaves tomorrow afternoon, late afternoon. Can we do something tomorrow?"

He nodded and smiled up at her. Meredith returned the grin. He stood up and walked over to rinse his bowl. He placed the spoon and bowl methodically into the dishwasher and started towards the door. He leaned down and gave her a hug before leaving the room.

"Love you, Dad. Have a good day."

He kissed her on the cheek and with one last smiled, he was out the door. She heard the car start up outside and pull away.

All alone but it was no quieter than before.

She set her mug down on the counter and walked down the hallway. Her feet were taking her where she wanted to go without having to tell them. She was finally alone in the house and she was going to a place she hadn't been in a long time.

Meredith paused at the closed door and took a deep breath before creaking the door open.

As she stepped inside the scent of the room hit her and along with it, a million memories. The room smelled like old paper and lavender and her mother's love. The bay window behind the large desk allowed enough sunlight to stream in there was no need to electricity in the day. You could close your eyes and imagine you were outside with the warmth hitting your skin in the summer. The carpet was a deep, rich beige and was soft and plush against the soles of her bare feet. They sank in like quick sand. Bookshelves lined the two walls and there was an old fashioned typewriter in the middle of the desk. The computer she used to write with was taken out a long time ago.

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