Chapter 17

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The graduation was held inside an arena-like building. Hundreds of chairs were lined up in perfect rows split in half with each side mirroring each other. The student's seats were empty, but some faculty was roaming the floor.

Nate's family took up nearly an entire row in the audience. Meredith looked through the booklet with the layout of the ceremony and Nate typed away on his phone. Jane's sat on her mother's lap talking fast and loud. Scott and Logan seemed to be discussing important information in hushed tones. Carrie's eyes were firmly glued to the floor and the empty chairs, waiting for Delilah to walk out.

Not long after they were settled in their seats, the orchestra began to play. The graduates filed in from the sides and methodically took their seats. Carrie pointed out Delilah with a grin on her face and pride keeping her chin high. Meredith followed her shaking finger to who she assumed was a blonde haired woman.

The set-up of graduation was similar to what Meredith remembered of her own. Speeches came first and to everyone's surprise, Delilah walked up to the podium.

Delilah greeted the chancellors and deans. "Friends, family, fellow graduates," she started. "Last week I was asked to prepare a speech for tonight. You can only imagine my shock, and stress, but how could I say no?" She received light laughter from the audience. "I have had no greater honor this far than to be standing here in front of so many wonderful and brilliant colleagues on our last day as students. Today begins the next step of life's great adventure. We are going to enter the 'real world' with ambitions of pursuing the arts.

"I remember my freshman year the day I moved into my dorm. Someone told me to go to class, learn as much as I could, and be a better me. Be someone I could look back and be proud of. That person was my mother." Delilah's eyes flickered to the audience for a moment before returning to the students. "I feel like I became a better me than when I was eighteen, and looking around this room I think, and hope, you all look back and see what you've become. We went to class, practiced dancing, painting, or acting. We took our tests and worked hard. There were failures, many failures on my part, but we stood up each time we fell, brushed the dirt off, and got right back to it. We are now someone we can be proud of. I see future artists, dancers, actors, whatever you want to do in life I see you there. We've been counting down the days, minutes, seconds to this day. Well, it's here and now we must move on. It's bittersweet saying goodbye to the many friends I've made here and to the professors who have provided me with the tools to not only succeed in my career but in every aspect of life. I expected to only get a degree from this university but I'm leaving with so much more. Each person I've come in contact with has made a lasting impact on my life and I hope that someone has made an impact on yours. My days here have been some of the best and I had the best people to be surrounded by. Charles Dickens once said 'The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.' So, class of twenty-fourteen, I hope to experience that joy of meeting you again soon. Thank you."

Delilah grabbed her papers and walked off the stage. Her shoulders relaxed slightly as she made her way back to her chair. There were only a few more speeches before they starting calling names.

Delilah Ann Tucker was called close to the end, and when it was the entire row of her family whooped and hollered. Meredith watched Nate stand and wear a proud smile.

The music played and the new graduates tossed their caps into the air. A ripple of blue floated in the air for a finite moment and just like that it was over. Families rushed to their children on the floor and it wasn't long before the aisles were clogged.

Nate's entire family found Delilah by the stage talking to a dean. She was laughing when they walked up to her. She had long blonde hair that flowed down her back. When she saw Carrie standing nearby with tears in her eyes, she gracefully excused herself and walked into Carrie's arms.

"I'm so proud of you honey," Carrie whispered in her ear. She pulled away, wiping a tear from her eye. "Why didn't you tell me you had a speech?"

"I only found out last week and the stress of writing it was too much before having your expectations on top of it."

"I wouldn't pressure you. You know that," Carrie chided.

"I know. I would still think you had high expectations, though. It was easier to keep it to myself right now."

Scott hugged Delilah while Carrie responded. He muttered something in her ear with a smile. Delilah thanked him after he took a step back. He had just as much pride as Carrie radiating from him.

Logan walked up and gave her a tight hug. "So proud of you, little sister."

Delilah squeezed him tight. "Thank you."

Jane came running up after that and rambled about the movie they had watched last night. Grandma made her way through and so started the line of hugs and congratulations.

Nate pulled Meredith up with him when it was their turn. He held them back to go last and Delilah look exhausted from so many people but her face lit up when she locked eyes with Nate.

"Dee," he said with a grin. "I'm proud of you. And proud that you didn't trip in those shoes once."

Meredith looked down at Dee's feet and saw at least four inch heels.

"The only reason I tripped last time in these shoes was because you weren't there to trip me! I've missed you," she said, giving him a hug.

"I missed you more. Besides there's someone I'd like you to meet." He pulled away from the hug and gestured to Meredith. "Dee, this is Meredith."

Meredith smiled and held out her hand. "It's great to finally meet you. I've heard nonstop wonderful things."

Dee passed by the handshake and went in for a hug. "He does like to brag about me, doesn't he? I'm over the moon he brought you. Nate's been keeping you stowed away down there in Atlanta with hardly any mention of you. Not that I'm surprised. He's always kept his personal life private from us."

Meredith forced her smile to stay in place. She knew why there was no mention of her. In fact, she had almost forgotten how distant her and Nate's relationship really was. He was a good actor. Good enough to even fool Meredith.

When their group started to head outside for dinner, Carrie kept her arm wrapped around Dee the entire time. Nate and Meredith walked in the back of the group, hands swinging between them. They hardly said but a few words to each other. Instead they enjoyed the comfortable silence and watched the family interact in front of them.

The car ride to the restaurant was short. Short enough they could've walked, but Meredith was happy they didn't. They were seated at a large table in a private room. Drinks and appetizers were brought out almost immediately.

Carrie was still talking about the ceremony when Dee cut her off. "Mom, I love you. But can you stop mentioning my graduation. Please?"

"I'm sorry. I'll try too cool it. I'm just so proud of you."

Dee reached for her glass. "Thank you."

"Dee?" Logan asked.

"Yeah?" She took a sip.

"When did your Countdown stop?"

Everyone's eyes flickered to her wrist. Only a small indent remained.

"Thanks for reminding me. I met this guy at an art show. His name is Drew."

Nate's curiosity was peaked. Dee usually called him when something major happened. He didn't know if he was happier or sad that she didn't tell him.

"You will meet him Monday," Dee finished.    

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