Valentine's Day Gaurance - CONTINUED!

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A/N: Like you guys know, I'm a fan of what came out of the Valentine's Day oneshot, so I decided to continue it! If you guys liked the first one and this one and want me to continue with it, tell me in the comments. This might be a mini-series. I'm not so sure yet. Adios ~Car


  I turned, being met with the ocean blue eyes of Dante, "What happened?" Dante questioned, jogging over to me.

"Nothing important." I said as we walked down the sidewalk, aimlessly wandering out of the suburbs.

"Something important," Dante started, "Tell me about it." A sigh passed through my lips. After that, I started explaining everything.


G A R R O T H ' S            P O V

   "It's all just a blur," I started, a quick breath leaving my lips before I decided to continue, "All I remember is kissing him once, then Laurance pushing me onto the wall."

   Dante licked his chapped lips, him obviously deep in thought. His eyebrows were furrowed, a serious expression claiming itself on his face.

   "I'm sorry to hear that." Is all that Dante said, the look of thought still on his face. "What's on your mind?" I asked, glancing at him.

   "I just. . ." The other male paused briefly, thinking of a way to word his next sentence, "It just surprises me that Laurance would do that. Sure, I don't know what happened exactly, but you seemed pretty shaken up when I first saw you."

   I rolled my shoulders back subconsciously, "I know I shouldn't be reacting this way, but--" Dante started speaking, cutting me off abruptly, "You feel the way you want to feel. Don't apologize for that." The bluenette interrupted, the two of us making eye contact as he spoke.

   "But p--" I got interrupted once again, "No buts!" Dante exclaimed, breaking eye contact. Another breath left my mouth as I looked forward.

   "No 'ands', 'its' or 'buts'." He added, not giving me time to speak. "Maybe you're right." I said. Dante grinned, me being able to see it out of the corner of my eye, "When am I not right?" He questioned jokingly. 

   A small chuckle left my mouth, the two of us coming up upon Nicole's coffee shop. "Hey guys!" Nicole greeted happily as we walked in. Dante flashed her a flirty smile, "Hey, pretty lady!" He said.

   This caused me to roll my eye, "You flirt." I commented, aiming my words at Dante. "Tell me something I don't know." He said, his smile falling into a grin.

   I greeted Nicole with a smile afterwards, "What can I get you two?" She asked as we approached the register. 

   "Hmm. . . Can I get a black coffee with a side of you?" Dante ordered, winking after he finished speaking. A small blush appeared on Nicole's face.

   A few minutes passed, Nicole and Dante sharing words in between orders. I unintentionally eavesdropped into their conversation.

   "Garroth seems off." Nicole told Dante, her standing behind a glass counter of pastries as Damien worked the register.

   "He is," Dante started, "Apparently, Laurance did some stuff and it shook him up." I waited for Dante to say a shook joke.

   What? It's Dante. He makes lit jokes and shook jokes constantly. Lets just say it didn't come.

   I sat at a small two person table, my knee bouncing as I clasped onto the Styrofoam of my coffee cup.

   "What'd he do?" The red head asked, concern lacing into her words. "I don't know for sure. What Garroth told me is that they kissed once, then he got pushed against a wall. Despite living with them, I didn't see anything myself." Dante explained.

   She sighed. I could feel her gaze burning into my back, "Well, I won't keep you guys waiting. Go talk to him." Nicole said.

   Dante nodded, then walked over to me, "Hey, bud!" Dante exclaimed with a smile on his face. He was being peppy as always.

   "Hey. . ." I greeted, making straight eye contact with Dante as he sat down. "Lets get to the bottom of this," Dante's tone was more serious, "Okay?" I nodded.

Car's Good Ol' One Shots~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن