Chapter 2: Meeting the band

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Don't play song until told!!

Courtnie had fallen asleep on the way to where the band would perform. She looked peaceful but her mind was running wild with memories.

Andy parked his car noticing she was still asleep and not wanting to wake her up. He got out grabbing her bags, before picking her up bridal style and carrying her to the bus. He walked in the band members stopped what they were doing and looked at Andy weirdly. "Why do you have a girl in your arms?" Ashley asked he smiled "this is my daughter." He said and walked to his room in the back of the bus and put her on his bed. He set her bags on the side of the bed. And walked out quietly closing door behind him.

"So what is she like?" C.C. asked he shrugged. "She doesn't talk much, she is 16, she has A.D.D., and is artistic. That's all I really know, I couldn't really talk to her before she fell asleep on the way here. But she seems shy." He said they all nodded.

Magical timeskip

Courtnie pov

I sighed as I opened my eyes sitting up and looking around, I was in a room, not a car. I must be at Mr. Biersack's home. I quietly got up and opened the door walking out. I quickly noticed that this wasn't a house. "Hello?" I said barley above a whisper I heard people talking, I went ahead and walked on, I gulped nervously and saw the band Black Veil Brides. "Hello." I said quietly they all stopped and looked my way, I blushed and looked down. "Did you have a good sleep, Courtnie?" Mr. Biersack asked. I nodded "please, Mr. Biersack call me Cory." I whispered looking at feet fiddling with my sleeves. He chuckled and bent down to my level. "Alright if I call you Cory, you can call me Andy or Dad." He said I nodded. I looked around and saw the band. "Hi." I said waving slightly. "You are adorable." Ashley stated I blushed and looked away in embarrassment. "Thank you." I whispered he laughed. "I'm Ashley by the way." He said shaking my hand I gawked at him, but quickly got over it. "And I'm Cory." I said quietly smiling a small smile.

Soon everyone introduced themselves to me. And I sat next to my dad, quietly listening to the guys answered their questions, but me being me. I barely could answer louder than a whisper. 'You really to get rid of your shyness Courtnie!' I tell myself. "Do want head back stage and look around Cory?" Dad asked I looked at him and nodded happily.

I saw a acoustic guitar sitting down by a speaker, since dad and the guys went to practice for tonight I decided to play a song.
Play song!!!

I heard a knock upon my door the other day
I opened it to find death staring in my face
The feel of mortal stalking still reverberates
Everywhere I go I drag this coffin just in case

My body's tremblin' sends shivers down my spine
Adrenaline kicks in, shifts into overdrive,
Your secrets keep you safe, your lies keep you alive
Snake eyes every single time, you roll with crooked dice

I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down
The kind of dark that haunts a hundred year old house
I wrestle with my thoughts, I shook the hand of doubt
Running from my past, I'm praying feet don't fail me now

I've lost my goddamn mind
It happens all the time
I can't believe I'm actually
Meant to be here
Trying to consume
The drug in me is you
And I'm so high on misery
Can't you see?

I got these questions always running through my head
So many things that I would like to understand
If we are born to die and we all die to live
Then what's the point of living life if it just contradicts?

I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down
The kind of dark that haunts a hundred year old house
I wrestle with my thoughts I shook the hand of doubt
Running from my past I'm praying feet don't fail me now

I've lost my goddamn mind
It happens all the time
I can't believe I'm actually
Meant to be here
Trying to consume
The drug in me is you
And I'm so high on misery
Can't you see?

I've lost
You tried to reach me but you just can't help me
So long
You tried to save me, it won't work this time

'Cause now

I've lost my fucking mind
And there's no fucking time
I can't believe I'm actually
Meant to be here
Trying to consume
The drug in me is you
And I'm so high on misery
Can't you see?

I then heard clapping I jumped and turned to see Andy and the guys standing there I blushed and quickly put the guitar down. "I'm sorry I touched it with out your permission." I said dad laughed. "Don't worry, your totally fine. Where did you learn?" He asked I frowned, "my friend taught before she left." I said he nodded. "Can you do another song?" He asked I blushed and shook my head. "Sorry. But I'm still not sure about that." I said he nodded "completely understand." He said but then he took my hand and pulled me to the stage. I looked around, "wow!" I exclaimed, he chuckled "maybe you can be here one day." He said I looked up at him. "You really think so?" I asked he nodded. "Definitely." I smiled and we headed back stage. And then the stadium started filling up.

I yawned as we walked back to the bus. When we got on the bud I tapped dads arm. "Where can I sleep?" I asked quietly he smiled and opened a curtain to a bunk bed and helped me into the bunk. "Sorry if it's not comfy, but you only have to sleep her for a week." He said I hugged him. "It's fine. Thank you for taking me in." She said and laid down pulling the blanket over her.

I smiled and walked to my room. Getting in my bed and falling asleep.

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