Such Stuff as Dreams are Made On

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The mood was ecstatic and overjoyed, in terms of the British public.

Union flags and the royal family's faces hung everywhere; in the forms of paper flags, balloons, mugs, teacups, postcards, postage stamps, souvenir paraphernalia and more. People were cheering and dancing on the streets and cafés, restaurants, bars and so forth were working overtime.

"It's a true miracle!" The TV presenter gushed. "Prince- sorry, King Robert, died in a terrible accident which turned out to be a hijacking, and now he's alive and well- he's taken his rightful place and he's fallen in love. King Robert is one of the most eligible bachelors in the world, and he's fallen in love with and is marrying someone who is universally called one of the most beautiful- if not the most beautiful- woman in the world. She comes from the land of myth and legend- she's been called a modern-day Helen of Troy. Her beauty, warmth, charm and more are all extraordinary and Britain has fallen in love with her, almost as much as the new king has!" She gushed on.

"They did WHAT?!" Helena snapped. Her stormy grey-blue eyes glared at Rachel.

Rachel replied. "They sent back the invitations." Helena glared again and stood up from behind her desk.

"So am I to understand," she said dangerously. "That the heads of the various royal houses throughout the world, will not be attending my son, the king's wedding celebrations?"

"Well, actually," Rachel said meekly. "They are coming. The King and Queen of Greece sent invitations inviting them to their daughter's nuptials. They have responded: they're all coming."

Helena looked murderous. "They answered and accepted the invitations that the king and queen of Greece sent out to them, but they sent back the invitations that I sent to them? What are we to make of all this?"

Both Rachel and Spencer were deathly silent.

They dared snub me?! Helena raged. Me? The Queen of England? Well, Queen Mother. She hated the fact that somebody was taking her place.

And that soon she would be relegated to royal mother, and mother-in-law. Or maybe even grandma. She shuddered.

None of the visiting royals seemed happy to be there, none more unhappy than the Greek royal family.

"Greetings, your majesties, your royal highnesses," Helena pasted a very fake, very toothy shark smile onto her face. If only she could bite the bitch's head off.

Queen Anastasia of Greece gave a smile that did not meet the chips of Antarctic ice that were her green eyes. "Your majesties, your English welcomes never fail to astound me. Is it any wonder that so many people worldwide are drawn to you and your court?"

Translation: 'You're a frigid bitch and it's a miracle you can be slutty enough to get men to want you.'

Helena gave a strained smile. How dare she?! She was the queen of England! Well, Queen Mother. Helena's pride rankled when she remembered that she would be Queen Mother, whereas this woman- the queen of Greece, would be remaining queen, and her daughter would be taking Helena's title!

"How very gracious of you, your majesty," Helena fake-simpered. "Though I know we can never compare to your warm welcomes, and the warmth of your court. The masses are enthralled."

Translation: You're a common w**e. And very low one at that too.

Anastasia knew it and her eyes hardened further. But her face barely restrained from a smug smile.

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