Did my heart love till now?.. I ne'er saw true beauty till this night

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In the dressing room, Aglaia tried to calm her nerves. Her mother and very few others were allowed in this room.

Aglaia tried to calm down, as they did the finishing touches to her hair. Nobody could agree on whether or not her hair should be left loose- 'like a virgin', curled, waved or straightened, or bound in an elegant bun, a chignon or an up-do. No one could agree. In the end they compromised. Aglaia's mane of black hair was gently waved and with loose curls partially fastened, the rest cascading down like a waterfall, but not enough to impede the view of her beautiful dress and veil.

Her mother passed her a rosary. Aglaia saw her kiss it, and pass it to her bridesmaid, before Aglaia kissed it herself. "May God be with you," her mother stated.

The old English custom was for the bride to wear something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. And a silver sixpence in her shoe.

"Your tiara is borrowed," her mother stated. "And the blue ribbon is underneath your dress. Your earrings..." Her mother handed it out.

Aglaia gasped. They were clear diamonds, delicate and teardrop-shaped. "Thank you," she whispered. Her mother smiled. There were tears misting in her eyes. "They're new. The old- apart from your mother-in-law- is your lace." Aglaia bit her lip when her mother said that. "And you have a silver sixpence built into your shoe."

"It's time." Someone said.

The bridesmaids were waiting down below. Little Sarah Alice was among them, unbelievably excited. She stood with a group of other little girls and a few young ladies just waiting for the bride at the foot of the stairs.

Before Aglaia appeared.

On the way to Westminster Abbey, Liam and Robert sat side by side. Outside the crowds could barely be restrained when they arrived there. On their way there had been a great deal of cheering, and the crowds were so thick they could barely pass, despite all the policemen and security.

"Look, I know, I've been a real bastard," Robert broke the uncomfortable silence. "I was bitter. I was angry. Not just at you, but at the whole world... And myself. I was hurting, but I didn't think it was important. All I felt was the need to be something else- the perfect prince, the perfect future king. And I hated it Liam. I secretly hated it. But I couldn't say it to anybody or stop... Not until I arrived on that island. I was a mess inside and out and I thought the best way to fix it was to shove it back- but I took it out on you, and I have no excuse for that." He admitted. "I'm sorry. More than you can ever know. For saying those things to you... For Jasper, and more. I wanted to be the man I was before, but something changed in me, Liam. I can never truly go back. And for that and more, I'm ashamed." He finished.

Liam looked at his brother. Robert was full of sorrow for once on this special day. "It's okay," Liam said softly. "Everyone changes. The most important thing is to remember that at the end of the day, we are family and we will always be there for one another. I love you, brother. No matter what happens."

Robert smiled slowly. "I love you too, brother." He looked puzzled. "That sounds exactly what Aglaia said to me once."

"It's good that you're marrying her," Liam admitted, a slow smile spreading across his face. "She's been good for you, and for Britain. And for the family. I'm just really sorry Dad never got to meet her. He would have adored her."

"Yeah, he really would." Robert stated. Eleanor had said the same thing. Even Cyrus when he was drunk and unashamedly joking.

The car pulled at the abbey and the rest of the royals were there. Penelope and Maribel, regrettably, wearing quite bizarre outfits. Penelope was in a rather hideous shade of maroon with a headpiece that looked like a rooster desperately trying to put itself out of the flames, while Maribel was in yellow, she looked like a giant egg yolk. Robert had rarely seen his cousins ever since he got back. If there was one thing that hadn't changed, it was them. They were quite dopey. Well, Maribel did have plastic surgery, but she was essentially still the same.

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