Hateful to Me... Is that Man who Hides One Thing in His Heart and Speaks Another

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"I'm sorry, your majesties, but there's been a mistake," the doctor admitted, shame-faced.

The couple looked confused. "Mistake?" Robert raised an eyebrow. "In what way?"

"It appears we... ahem, miscounted." The doctor admitted. "It's not twins."

"It's not twins," Aglaia said warily. So they were going to have one baby after all?  The doctor shook his head.

"No, It's triplets, ma'am."

Their jaws dropped and they froze. Yeah, real regal for the king and queen.

"Triplets?" They said simultaneously.

The doctor gestured. "See here." They leaned forwards and to their shock and incredulity, that's when they saw it. Their thunder-struck faces must have been comical.

"We're expecting triplets," Aglaia said slowly. Damn it, Mother.

Aglaia didn't know what to think. How could she- new into the job- be a queen, a wife and a mother to three at the same time? How in the world could she be the hands on mother the way she wanted to be? Beside her, Robert was thinking those same thoughts about himself.

But does it matter? They're my children and I'm going love them no matter what happens,

"I'm sure you will your majesties," the doctor stated, and Aglaia realised she said that aloud while her husband had said something similar. Crazy medicine.

Her crazy mother.

"Triplets," Robert said slowly. "We're expecting... Three children... At the same time."

Aglaia was no less stunned. Well, technically both she and Robert had come from broods of three each, but at the same time? That was the stuff of legend.

What were the chances of triplets being born into a royal family? They must have been the first in centuries, if not millennia.

And all thanks to Queen Anastasia's near-magical medicine and Chinese cook.

Well, and Robert's incredibly active libido and the fact that she just went along with it all. Why did she go with everyone?

But does it matter? A voice asked her. They're my children. And I'm going to adore and protect them from everything if I could.

She let out a stunned breath. "I don't think any royal couple's ever had triplets before."

And not so soon after the wedding, Robert thought. He was certain that jokes were about to pop up soon enough.

"Well... Um..." For once Aglaia was at a loss for words. "I suppose... We'll have to look at three nurseries... And three nannies. But I still would like for us to be very involved in our children's lives."

Robert looked at her. "That goes without saying," he stated. "Aglaia," he began, taking her face gently in his hands. "I'm not going to back out of this... I know. I'll be a king, but I'm also your husband and a father to three miraculous children and I'm not going to be anything other than thankful for that." He said gently but clearly.

Aglaia smiled. "I know you would." She said softly. She had nothing other than love for him.

"It's not twins, it's triplets," Robert muttered to the breakfast table.

Everyone's jaws dropped. Even those serving.

"Triplets?" Eleanor asked, unable to believe her ears. Robert nodded in confirmation. "Triplets." He replied.

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