We know What We Are, but not What We May Be

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All throughout Britain, new statistics showed that the standard of life was higher than ever in Britain.

Employment rates had dropped drastically, health rates and standard of living had gone up. The new queen had founded organisations and charities to ensure such things happened.

Helena had protested. "We can always raise money during galas and concerts."

But Aglaia shook her head. "How many people are actually more interested in seeing the entertainment? Besides, it will take too much time. Things also need to be organised."

To pacify them both, Robert had suggested that they experiment with these new ideas, before going so drastically into it.

But to their surprise and everyone's utter amazement (except for her family back in Greece, perhaps) the months that followed saw a massive drop in all things negative it seemed, while all things positive rocketed... Courtesy of the new queen's doings.

Helena gasped and groaned as she tried to kick the coffin lid with her stiletto heels, ramming it again and again, in desperation to get out. She tried calling out for help. It was no use. No one would come. She tried screaming: Spencer, Robert, Alistair, Liam, Simon, Eleanor- bloody Cyrus even, anybody! But no one came.

Helena screamed as loud as she could while thrusting her foot upwards again, when she gasped. Her foot was bony- no it was all bones, caked in dirt and mud and riddled with earthworms. Her skin was withering, sagging and looking more and more like curdled milk. It was curling black and peeling leaving her horny-looking toenails with holes within them and fungi- so not their natural state- trapped within the stiletto straps. Helena screamed when she saw the rot reaching up her body onto her beautiful ivory satin dress with the gold-leaf embroidery, withering and turning black with soot, dirt, ashes, worms and maggots- maggots that got into her skin. Helena screamed even louder when she felt them burying and eating their way within her as the rot spread onto her beautiful hair and her face-

She jolted awake.

Helena moaned and sank back onto her bed. The nightmare had only just begun.

Robert's kiss lingered longer. The two of them were in bed- again- and Aglaia hoped with all her heart her dear mother did not set up cameras within the confines of their bedroom.

He was breathing rather heavily and his eyes shone. Aglaia snuggled closer to his side.

His arm moved her closer to him and he kissed the top of her head.

But there was something bothering him. His dark blue eyes were filled with a growing worry.

Robert wondered if he should broach the subject.

"Back at the party," he finally said after a while. "There was someone... I heard them... Talking."

Aglaia frowned.

"They didn't think I was listening," Robert continued. "But... I heard talk about someone... A Greek naval captain..."

Aglaia stiffened. "Leonidas."

Robert froze. "You know what they're talking about?"

"He was my ex-boyfriend." She said quietly. "Back when... We were young. The relationship ended, though people- as premature as it was, were expecting us to be married."

Robert stared at her. "Why?"

Aglaia sighed. "I was eighteen, and everyone was counting down the days when the three of us- Alexios, Dimitri and I- would be married. I'd been with Leonidas since I was sixteen, and he seemed rather... Eager at the idea, but I didn't want to."

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