Hell is Empty and All the Devils are Here

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"What's going on? What's happened?" That was Robert.

"There's been an explosion sir- near the hotel where the Greek Princes were staying." James explained.

"WHAT?!" That was Liam and Robert. Helena stood, shell-shocked (no pun intended at such a terrible time) at the doorway with a horrified Eleanor.

"We have police and security guards scouring the area." James explained. "Make sure you find them- please." Robert nearly begged him. James nodded and promptly left.

Just then someone came running in. "Sirs!" Robert turned. It was another security guard. "The prince's car... They were bombed."

Robert inhaled sharply. Shit. This was not good. "Have they been found?" The guard shook his head. Shit.

"What's happened?" To everyone's horror, Aglaia stood in the doorway. "What's happened to them- Robert-" he instantly was at his wife's side supporting her.

"Go-please!" Robert nearly snapped, while everyone, except for the Henstridges hastily cleared the room. "Inform the Greek embassy!" He called out to them as they left. They nodded.

Anastasia burst into sobs when she enveloped her daughter- her only remaining child- in her arms. Aglaia was no better.

The two of them- mother and daughter alike- wept in the privacy of the room. This was a nightmare. After a while, Anastasia composed herself. It would not do for the enemy to see her weak.

They would pay for this; the Henstridges would pay.

She cleared her throat and forced a smile for her son-in-law. "Robert," she asked quietly. "Will you two... Stay with each other for a while?"

"Mother?" Aglaia looked up at her. "Where are you going?"

"Of course," Robert said hastily, compassion in his eyes. He couldn't possibly imagine what she was going through. "Your majesty."

Anastasia turned and left.

She spotted Helena. "YOU!" She snarled. "YOU- YOU DID THIS, DIDN'T YOU? WHAT DID YOU DO?!!"

Helena stood, eyes wide, taken aback. "Me?! I did this? What on earth made you say that?!"

Anastasia laughed harshly. In full view of Liam, Eleanor, Jasper and a few others, she reached forwards and slapped Helena on the face.

She no longer cared if it provoked an international diplomatic crisis.

Helena stood aghast, clutching her cheek. "Ma'am, please!" James Hill tried to reason them.

"You didn't think I didn't know," Anastasia spat venomously. "You didn't think no one would ever guess- would ever find out?!" She snarled. "All those things you did and were capable of? But my sons?! Never would I have dreamt- as appalling as you had been as one- that a mother could actually murder another mother's sons!"

Helena was even more aghast than normal. "What on earth- why in the world would you think I killed them?"

"You don't think anyone knows?" Anastasia hissed. "The whole world knows! Ask yourself when was the last time you were ever invited to a Nobel Peace Prize- or whether or not anyone would have come to the wedding if we had not invited them to our daughter's nuptials! Ask yourself when was the last time anyone paid a cordial visit to your palace or invited you to go somewhere overseas! To another palace, royal or presidential. Do you think the whole world doesn't know?" Anastasia went on, desiring nothing more than to inflict pain on the woman and the family she felt not only destroyed themselves and their country but her own.

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