Damnation Chapter One

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Branches clawed at my face and roots threatened to trip my bare feet as I ran.

"Where did that little bitch go?!" one of my many captors and torturers screamed chasing after me. That only made me push my legs further. Gathering my dress and hiking it up to my knees I began to move my legs faster. My legs throbbed and my lungs felt as if they were about to explode but I couldn't stop. If I did then I would be caught and punished, far worse anything than I had ever experienced. I doubt I could even dream of the pain that they would inflict on me.

"I found her trail!" I heard. My eyes widened in terror and I pushed my self even harder. I was surprised I could even move after what they did to me earlier, but that's something I never want to think of again. My long black-bluish hair got snagged on a branch and I gasped in pain.

I tugged and tugged before finally managing to break free.

"There she is!"

I dared a glance back and saw at least five men with lanterns run after me. I ran and ran and kept running. I could hear them gaining on me with every step.

I saw a very large home a few yards ahead and there were rooms lite. I could see two people walking down a hallway, one very tall, and the other short, almost a child. I took a deep breathe and screamed.

It was a blood-curdling scream that pierced through the silent night. I hoped it would get the men's attention and it did. They both stopped and turned to look out the window just as I was tackled to the cold ground. I had just broken through the tree line when a strong force slammed me to the round.

I screamed out, not because of pain, I was used to that, but because of the man trying to pin me down. I screamed, kicked and clawed at him until his weight was suddenly lifted from me. I opened my eyes to see a tall man dressed as a butler standing over me and starring at the other four men that coward away from him at the sight of the now dead man who was on me.

"Are you alright you miss?" the butler asked. I had long since lost the ability to speak, I had screamed my throat raw earlier and was surprised I could produce any sound at all. I only whimpered in response, anything else hurt.

"I see," he said. "Well then," he turned back to the four men. "Would one of you please explain why she was running and why you are trespassing on my master's land?"

"We came for her." one of tehm said pointing at me. "She ran away when we gave her food, shelter, and safety."

"Is that so?" the butler asked. "Well, how about this then. If you can go over to her, and she doesn't flinch or cowar away, you can take her."

One of the men walked over to me and I couldn't help the whimper that came from my lips and how I tried to shrink away from him.

The butler smirked. "Very well then. I'm going to have to ask you to leave this property now. If you do not every last one of you will die, like your friend here." he smiled and talked as if we were talking about tea and the weather, not killing four men. They all high tailed and ran. With a sigh the butler turned back to me. "I guess we have to do something about you as well, don't we my dear?"

"Please don't hurt me." I whimpered quietly.

"Why would I harm a beautiful, innocent flower such as yourself?"

"P-Please." I begged as he came closer.

He sighed again as he crouched down next to me. I avoided his eyes and coward away from him in case he wanted to hurt me. "I'm not going to hurt you flower." he whispered. "But I do need you to come with me. Can you walk?"

He stood up and offered me his hand. I hesitated but he waited patiently for me to take it. When I did he slowly, gently pulled me up as if I was glass. When I was standing, I gasped and fell forward as I could not stand on my left ankle.

He grunted and sighed again. This man sighs a lot. "I'll take that as a no then." Then he suddenly swooped me up off the ground, carrying me bridal style. I screamed at the sudden movement and thrashed around in his hold. "Calm down flower I will not harm you. I promise." he said quietly. I shook as I stilled my movements and looked into his eyes, which I now realized were a very pretty crimson. He smiled and began walking to the mansion. It seemed very familiar but I couldn't quite place it.

When he walked through the front door there was a small boy standing at the base of the stairs. He had bluish-black hair like mine, and a beautiful blue for his eyes, also like mine, however he wore a patch over his right eye. Oh my god.....

"Ciel?" I breathed barely believing it.

"Selena?" he asked surprised.

"Oh my little brother!" I cried, tears forming in my eyes.

"Sebastian, set my sister down." he said. When I was on the ground Ciel was in my arms.

"Oh Ciel," I cried, hugging him close.

"I thought I'd never see you again Selena. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. I'm so sorry." he said, his voice cracking.

"Shh, dear brother. It's alright. I'm okay. And now you are back in my arms, that's all that matter to me." I whispered, still unable to do much else.

"Are you okay? I heard your scream and sent my butler Sebastian to see what happened. Oh no, Selena your hurt aren't you? Tell me what's wrong." Ciel rushed.

"Only ankle and throat. I am fine other than that, physically anyway. I'd rather discuss this when we are not in the middle of the foray." I whispered pulling back to look at my brother again.

"Of course. Sebastian."

"Yes, young master?" Sebastian instantly replied.

"Get my sister water and prepare her a room close-" but I cut him off.

"Ciel." I breathed.

"Yes Selena? What is it?"

"I would like to sleep with you tonight, I want to hold you, may I? Just for tonight?" I asked.

He smiled at me. "Of course. Sebastian get her some water and carry her to my room, then help me prepare for bed."

"Yes young master. I do apologize Miss." Sebastian said before picking me up again. I hissed in pain as his hand settled on a fresh bruise on my side.

"Be careful!" Ciel snapped.

"I apologize my lady."

"It's alright." I smiled. He returned it with one of his own and carried me down the familiar hallways.



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