Damnation Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


Houndsworth Part Two


The town’s people were singing the strange lullaby and begging the great demon hound to forgive them. Barrymore was leaning against the wall where the 'punishments' were held. His arms ripped off by the elbows and there was blood everywhere. We walked back to the estate after Sebastian had examined the body, I leaning heavily on Sebastian as we did. Looks like I really won't be getting any sleep tonight.

"It's a shame, young master." Sebastian said as Ciel sat on my lap near the fire again. "After you'd already declared case closed."

"Shut up." he mumbled, his arms crossed and eyes closed.

"Where is Angela?" Sebastian asked. I clenched my fists. I don't know why, but everything about her just pisses me off.

"I put her to bed, but she seemed very tired." Mey-Rin said.

"It's too painful to watch." Baydroy said. Finny looked off into the distance. I know he likes Angela, but I also knew that his heart would be broken when he realized nothing would ever happen between them.

"This village was completely isolated from society, out of fear of the demon hound's curse..." Ciel trailed off. His eyes opened as I spoke.

"I thought we established that the demon hound was fake, and Barrymore was trying to keep his rule here." I said.

"But now, Lord Henry has..." he trailed off again.

"Are you sure those bite wounds really weren't from the demon hound?" Baydroy asked.

"Well, I think we can say for sure, no human did this." Sebastian spoke, looking down at me. I narrowed my eyes for a brief second, but long enough for him to smirk at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Baydroy asked.

Ciel dismissed his servants without another word. I stayed put as Sebastian helped Ciel prepare for bed.

"What's the matter, flower?" he asked, without even looking back at me.

"You said no human did this, and looked at me. Were you trying to imply that I had done this?" I asked him, staring at his back as he buttoned Ciel's shirt.

"Of course not flower."

"The way you phrased it," Ciel said before I could. "No human did this. That redheaded reaper better not be back."

Sebastian smirked. "Your skills have improved master I am impressed, but it is not the reaper."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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