Damnation Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Sebastian's P.O.V

Houndsworth Part One

The past few days had been fairly quiet and peaceful. Young master has said nothing about my confession to his beloved sister. Honestly he has said nothing much at all to me. He has asked nothing of me, and I was fine with that. It gave me more time with my flower. I had been around her more often now that she knows.

Currently I was driving a carriage to Houndsworth, where the queen sent young master to inspect a construction site. He agreed whole-heartedly. Why though, I don't know.

Selena moaned quietly as I drove over yet another bump in this blasted road. "Be careful Sebastian!" Ciel snapped.

"My apologies my young lord. This road is not very smooth and is hard to drive on." I said, trying not to wake my flower. Selena was sleeping on the seat with her body curled up into a small ball and she was resting. Lately she has been having nightmares, and when I tried to comfort her she wouldn't tell me what scared her so much she barely slept at all.

"It's alright Ciel." I heard her say quietly. "I've been awake for sometime now."

"Selena will you tell me what gives you such horrible nightmares?" Young master was obviously very concerned for Selena, and as was I.

"it's nothing Ciel. Honestly I forget when I wake up." she said. I could hear the small smile through her voice, and I could hear as she lied through her teeth.  She remembers. I know she does. Every little detail she remembers about her nightmares.

"Tanaka stop the cart!" Finny yelled as we passed an old woman with her baby cart stuck. As he went to help the woman, Selena sat up and looked around. Her hair wasn't in the perfect style it was in when we had left, and little hairs were out of place. That did nothing to reduce her beauty however.

My attention was turned back to the others as Finny slammed down the cart. Inside the car however, was not a child, but a skull. The old woman started mumbling that the child had been eaten. Then she walked off, singing some odd lullaby about a good white dog, and a bad black dog.

"How awful." Selena gasped, her hand going to her chest.

"That is why we are here." Young master said smoothly. "Apparently villagers have gone missing or have been brutally murdered. The village has shrunk to a third of its size in the last ten years. A part of my task it to find out why and put an end to it."

As we continued down the road, we saw a large watering hole and a small village next to it. Houndsworth I presume.

 As we drove into the village we saw a boy interacting with a dog, telling it to sit, lie down. and then saying good boy and hugging it.

"He warps its will with rewards and punishments, and forces obedience. A fine sight." I said, looking forward. "But the dog is not blameless."

"No it isn't." Selena said. "It fawns over humans and welcomes the chain around it's neck. Horrible creatures really. Too loud and disgusting."

"Very much so my lady." I smiled.

"Sebastian." young master said. "If you have something to say, say it."

"'Thank you my lord. While I adore cats, I am not very fond of dogs." I smiled a closed eyed smile turning back to look at him. "To be frank I hate them."

Young master had a smirk on his face as he said, "Woof." I heard Selena chuckle and turned back to face forward. We were all silent a we continued to the Barrymore estate.

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