Damnation Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Selena's P.O.V.

Jack The Ripper Part One

As we rode in a carriage to London, I could feel my eyes wanting to drop. I was still exhausted from yesterday's fiasco. Ciel had Sebastian train Madam Red's butler Grell, the fool. He had made at least half a dozen attempts on his life and had to be stopped every time. Then Lizzy showed up and made the manor 'cute.' Honestly I wanted to vomit at all of the pink in the room.

"Selena are you alright?" Ciel asked me.

"I'm fine Ciel. Honestly you worry too much." I replied with a smile. Though, I had much more on my mind than just that horrid color. Yesterday I figured it out. I figured out the question that has plagued my mind ever since the day Sebastian was shot and 'killed'.

I figured out exactly what he was.

A demon.

Not unlikely though I suppose. After all, being a cat demon tends to attracts others.

I have grown stronger, that bloody cult never let me regain my strength, they knew exactly how to avoid that entirely. The only reason I ran instead of killing them all. I was not strong enough. The only reason I made a fool of myself by seeming weak and pathetic, I was not strong enough. Now that I have recovered my full strength I can be who I am, not the pathetic waste of space scared little girl. Though, what they had done to me, what they had done to my body, is something that will never leave my memories. The will haunt me till the day I die, if I die that is.

"We're here My lord." Sebastian said, breaking me out of my thoughts. Sebastian held out a hand for Ciel and helped him out before helping me out as well.

"Sebastian?" I asked.

"Yes my lady?"

"I would like a word with you when you have the chance. Alone please."

"Yes my lady."

"I hate this." Ciel said as we walked up to the door. "There are too many people in London."

"It cannot be helped my lord," Sebastian replied as we walked into the manor.

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation as I walked straight to my room.

"Selena? Where are you going?"

"I am tired dear brother, I think I shall rest." I said. I turned back around and said over my shoulder, "Sebastian, please come speak with me. It is important."

"Yes my lady." I could hear his footsteps behind me. As we rounded the corner that would lead to my bedroom I stopped. "Is something wrong my lady?"

"Yes. There is something wrong. There is a demon near my brother who has made a contract with said demon, and I don't like it at all."

"How did you know?"

I smirked and walked into my room.

As he shut the door behind him I spoke. "Come now Sebastian. You can't honestly tell me you don't know what I am, can you?"

Sebastian seemed to think for a few minutes before answering. "I know you are a demon, what kind though I don't not know." he finally answered.

I smirked. "Well Sebastian. You are right, I am a demon, but a turned one. And to answer your question on what kind, I am a cat demon."

"I will need proof my lady."

If anything my smirk grew as I allowed my ears and my tail to appear. I felt my nails grow longer and sharper and my eyes turn a bright yellow with my pupils as slits in the middle. It felt so good to be in my true form again. "Believe me now Sebastian?"

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