Pretty sure it's in America

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Dan's P.O.V.

I woke up with Anna humming a song again.

''I think it's time that I mention

I've got myself an obsession

For the smell, for the touch

I know I got myself a habit

But I've got to have it now

I dont care where, work it out

I try it on, I take it off

So what you got?

Something 'bout

Boots and boys

They bring me so much joy

I wear 'em both so pretty as I walk in the city

Boots and Boys

Give me boots and boys''

I started chuckling as I payed attention to the lyrics.

- Oh, you're awake. - She said. I opened my eyes and she was sitting on the bed, her legs down, dangling. She was with her back at me and didn't turn around to meet my eyes. - Sorry if I woke you. - She got up.

- I like waking up to your voice singing. - I smiled, expecting her to turn around smiling too and snuggle up to me in bed. That didn't happen. She just nodded, still facing the wall. - Is there something wrong, Anna? - I asked, sitting up. There was silence. I got up and approached her. 

- My mum called at 3am. - I placed a hand on her shoulder and she turned to me. I noticed she was wearing new black boots and a different ear stretcher on her right ear. I nodded for her to go on. - She was drunk... she broke up with her boyfriend. - Anna looked down, her hair falling over her face. - She's going to get into drugs again... that made me upset so I went out and bought these. - She pointed at her feet. I chuckled. 

- I liked them. But besides your mum... is there anything else wrong? 

- I also bought those... - She pointed at the corner of the room, where dozens of Chanel, Prada, Louis Vuitton and lots of other bags of expensive brands rested. 

- Oh my fucking god. - I whispered. 

- I am so stupid. - Anna hid her face on the sleeves of her sweater. I was completely shocked. Why did she do that? - I am really, really stupid. - She muttered to herself. 

- No, you're not

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