Back in England, party, chapter 119

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I woke up several hours later with shouting coming from the living room.

- The fuck? - I groaned as I looked around. I was naked, laying on my bed with Alice and Lana tangled to me, naked too. My head was pounding and I needed water. 

''What a horrible hangover.'' I thought as I got up and walked to my bathroom. I ignored the shouting for a few minutes while I took a shower, and after I got dressed, I went over there. 

- WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS, ANNA? COULD YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME? - My brother George was stood there, my mum, Denise, Louis and Matt behind him. I couldn't help but flinch away. 

- I am so... sorry... I didn't mean to... I am sorry! - I cried out. It was almost an instinct when I saw him. Then he burst out laughing. - What? - I looked at them, confused. 

- I am kidding you dumb girl, look at this! - He waved his arms around the room; Emma, Nadia and Zoe were passed out on the couch and armchair, there were alcohol bottles, pillows, blankets, movies, clothes, money and poker chips everywhere. The place was a complete mess. - I am proud! - I raised my eyebrows.

- What? - I said barely above a whisper. 

- You have a social life now! Remember when you were that stupid girl who didn't talk to anyone ever? You were so weird! I thought you were never going to get lai-

- RIGHT, SHUT UP! QUIET! - I yelled, embarrassed. I did a facepalm as he started talking about me before Bastille. Matt and Louis were laughing and Juliet and Denise managed to block them and started talking about house decoration. Oh, god. 

- ANNA, OH MY FUCKING GOD, DANIEL IS GOING TO KILL YOU! - Lana yelled from my bedroom; Alice laughed.

- Who is Daniel? - Denise asked.

- Is he here? - My mum asked.

- NO, STAY THERE! - I yelled as Alice and Lana started making their way towards the living room, still naked. - DON'T COME! MY MOTHER AND MY BROTHER AND MATTHEW ARE HERE! - I screamed, pushing them back into my room.

- Anna, stop fucking screaming! - Kyle said from my brother's bedroom. I looked in there and he was on the bed, naked, with Barbara, Florence and Jen around him, fast asleep. I closed the door and locked it from the outside so they couldn't get out.

- Anna, what's going on? Who's there? - Juliet asked.

- No! I don't want to deal with this now. I don't want any of you here. I want everyone gone! GONE! - I yelled as I approached them, pushing them out. 

- Dear, I thought she was the quiet, shy one! - Denise said to Matt. 

- But she is-

- YES I AM BUT NOT NOW! - I pushed them outside and closed the door. They were still talking when Nadia woke up.

- Hnng? - She groaned.

- Get your ass out of here as soon as you can. - I mumbled, going back to my room. 

Alice and Lana were on a full on naked make out session on my bed. I sighed, knowing where this was going. 

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