In LA with Hellen bullying Anna (maybe chapter 109????)

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this is utterly disgusting because i was with a friend when we wrote this and we laughed a lot


They started kicking, but I swiftly managed to get up and run back to the hotel.

''I shouldn't run, I can't run. I will fall and they will make it ten times worse.'' Tears started streaming down my face as I thought about Dan seeing me like this again, taking me to the hospital, not doing the stuff he should do because of me. 

Then a hand reached my shoulder, pulling me back. I screamed and they started the beating session again. 

Then I realized if I could manage to throw up they'd go away... disgusting, but I should try. 

I slid a finger into my throat and they stopped for a moment, looking weirdly at me. 

- What the fuck are you doing? - Hellen asked. I smiled before the bloody vomit landed all over her.

I did it.

They started screaming and I ran away. 

Thank god a couple of friends were in the lobby and they quickly saw me. 

- Oh my fucking god Anna, what happened to you? - Josh from YMAS held me when I was about to fall to my knees. 

- Dan... - I panted. - Where's Dan? 

- He's upstairs, I'll call him. - Max said. 

While Dan didn't come down, the guys helped me sit on a chair nearby and I tried to explain what happened.

- There's a few girls from my school who don't like me very much... and they, they are here... the parents of the ''leader'' work here and she came to te festival and... they found me and... - I tried desperately to catch my breath, but it hurt to breathe. It hurt too much. 

- They started beating the shit out of you. - Matt(YMAS) said. I nodded.

- How did you escape? - Chris (YMAS) asked.

- This will sound horribly disgusting, but I threw up on the girl. - They laughed.

- Oh god, Anna, again? - I heard Dan's voice. I immediately stood up and felt light headed, so I had to sit back down. I moaned and rested my head on my hands. I felt a pair of hands stroking my head, so I looked up. - Who was it? - He sounded disappointed.

- Hellen. She's here.

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