Secret Love

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Warning: sexual activities

The Buckingham home was quiet as it could be. The kids and his wife were asleep, having already told Kristen he was going to the studio to finish the work on Buckingham McVie. Lindsey jumped in his car, made a quick phone call and sped down the road. He arrived at his destination in record time, punched in the code at the security gate and parked in the driveway. He had been here almost every night for the past three months. He didn't care if he had to lie for the opportunity anymore. It was a compulsion, just as it always had been. He jogged up the front steps of the grand home and knocked on the door.

"Hey baby" he said, giving the owner a tender kiss on the lips. He tucked a long blonde hair behind her ear and she stepped aside to let him in.

"What did you tell her this time?" She asked, smirking.

"Studio to finish Buckingham McVie"

"No, don't say that in this house!" she says dramatically, clutching her chest. "You kill me with that every time!"

"I'm sorry, Stevie. To be fair, we weren't on speaking terms at the time"

"Couldn't you have changed it to something else?"

"Lindsey and Christine sounds like some country record in the bargain bin and McVie Buckingham doesn't flow either."

"You could have just put 'and' in there, Buckingham and McVie, and it would have broken my heart a little less"

"I would change it now, if I could."

"I know, my angel." she said, pressing her body against his and embracing him. She missed the smell of him, the feel of him in her arms even though they had just parted less than 24 hours prior.

"Let's not spoil the evening" he says, kissing the top of her head.

She nodded her agreement. "I sent Karen after another bottle of wine as her final errand for the next two and a half months, maybe longer."

"What's going on with that?"

"Oh, did I not mention it before?" She asks over her shoulder, trying to uncork the bottle.

"Only in passing. We were a little busy that night" he says, winking.

She blushes slightly. "She is taking leave and I've hired a temp that seems just perfect for the job. She's not Karen but she will do in a pinch"

"Such a diva!" he teases.

"Shut up!" She smiles, showing him she isn't upset. "So! Wine?" she asks, lifting the bottle.

"Yes. Pour me a hearty glass, mama, it's been a long day!"

"Tell me about it!" She says, sympathetically. She had her own set of problems to deal with. She fills a glass for him and one for herself and they sit back on her couch.

"Do you have Netflix?"


"We have got to modernize you, sweet girl."

"I have cable. Is that the same thing?"

"Kind of" he says, turning on her tv, if only for background noise. "Do you always have to have it on something about murder and death? Jesus!" She chuckles, taking the remote from his hand and flipping the channel for him.

"There's nothing that great on anymore."

"So you pay 200 a month for nothing?"

"I can afford it. What's it to you anyway?"

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