Blue Calm Sea

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Lindsey tosses on a pair of boxers, heading down to the kitchen for a drink of water. He quickly finds where Stevie keeps the glasses and fills it in the sink. He turns around, bumping right into a petite blonde.

"Shit! Sorry." He says, having sloshed water on her blouse.

"It's okay" she says, waving it off. "Where are you rushing off to?"

"Why are you always so nosy, Jenna?" His sharp tone catches her off guard.

"Why are you always so rude? All these years and you really haven't changed a bit! You're still the same selfish, arrogant, son of a bitch you always were!"

"And how would you know? You're practically a baby yourself!"

"Actually I'm 32" she says.

"Just like a child to correct me"

"Shut up, Lindsey! You really don't want to piss me off" she warns, going to the counter for a tea towel to pat her blouse dry.

"Whatever" he scoffs. "I'm going back upstairs, fend for yourself. Think you can do that?" Jenna doesn't answer, watching him ascend the staircase out of the corner of her eye. She finishes up with her silk blouse, grabs a yogurt from the fridge, a spoon from the drawer and sits at the counter for a snack. The house is pretty quiet, she can even hear the ticking of the clock. She sighs, knowing she shouldn't have taken those pictures. She really was growing quite fond of Stevie. She was warm, generous, sweet and so beautiful...she really was a great boss and being with her didn't feel like work. Work. She really should get started on it with the second leg of her tour coming up. "Shit" she says under her breath. She throws away the remaining couple bites, deciding to make use of herself and her time but before any of that can occur, she is met by Lindsey and her boss.

"You seem to be feeling much better!" Stevie says, now dressed in her usual all black ensemble.

"Yes I am but you look a little flushed, Stevie."

Stevie blushes, reddening her cheeks even more. "I'm fine, though."

"Yes you are" Lindsey purs, embarrassing Stevie as his hand slides down from her waist to her butt. She yanks his hand back up so quickly, causing him to chuckle softly.

"I think it's great that you still have such a healthy love life." Jenna says and Stevie's eyes go as big as saucers.

"Jenna, I..."

"Don't worry. You're secret is safe with me" the young blonde says. Lindsey searches her face, wondering if she's actually telling the truth. After how he's treated her, he really couldn't blame her for not liking him. He looks into her eyes and notices they were as brilliant blue as ever when earlier they had been a deep grey.

"Incredible" Lindsey whispers to himself, still studying the girl before him.

"What?" Jenna asks.

"Nothing, just, your eyes. Do they change color with your mood too?"

"Yeah, blue to grey then back again. If they're grey, my mom always said it meant there was a storm coming. I've always been a storm" Jenna told him and there was a certain sadness in her voice.

"So have I. Never, ever been a blue calm sea, I've always been a storm" Stevie said.

"My mom used to sing me that song all the time, though not as well as you ever did" she said, trying to make a joke.

"Tell us more about you and your family" Lindsey coaxed gently. "I feel like you know a lot about us but we don't know a lot about you. You said you grew up local but what else?"

"I, uh, was raised by my mom alone. We lived in an apartment in Los Angeles...I'm a California native. My mom worked a lot of modeling jobs and as a receptionist or a secretary at various places...she was a waitress once, I think. I don't know, there's really not much to tell."

"You keep using past tense" Lindsey points out. "Is she...?"

"Lindsey!" Stevie scolds. "You have no manners!"

"No, it's okay" Jenna tells her. "She's alive, I just haven't seen her in a while. We keep in touch but she's traveling. She's always going somewhere."

"Oh, okay" Lindsey says. "Are you close?"

"She's my best friend, I think that's why it's hard when she's away."

"I understand completely. My mom was my best friend too" Stevie says. "I hope that you can find comfort here and though neither of us can replace your mother, I want you to feel safe with us"

"Wow, thank you, Stevie" Jenna hugs her boss, and Stevie rubs her back soothingly. "That means a lot to me"

"Well, you mean a lot to me. I love to see a smile on that beautiful face of yours."

"We were going to go out to dinner, thought you might want to join us" Lindsey offered. "You in?"

"Really? You want me to come too?"

"Why not?"

"Sure...sure, that would be awesome. Let me fix myself up a little and I will be back. Five minutes, okay?"

"Take your time" Stevie says, patting her shoulder as she passes by.

Jenna goes up to her room and changes her blouse, keeping the skirt and boots on. She fixes her hair and make up, applying just a little bit more for evening. She grabs her bag and her cellphone from the end of her bed. She unlocks the screen, seeing she had a text message and a voicemail from her mom. She would listen later, not wanting to hold up the others who were waiting for her downstairs but she would check the text. A simple 'good job' was all she received, swiping down to reveal the photos she had taken just a couple of hours before. She sighed, hating herself for sending them. She closes her messages, deciding to delete the pictures from her camera roll. "God, why do you always have to be such a bitch, Jen? You barely know him and it's not his fault that he doesn't know you..." She shakes her head, disappointed that she would stoop so low. Taking those pictures could do serious damage and she didn't know if she was really willing to follow through with the plan anymore.

A/N: sorry for the lack of updates! I'm back now, if people are still interested. As always, sorry for any errors.

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