Good Thing

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The morning shown softly through the vertical blinds of Lindsey's nearly empty bedroom. He looked down to see Stevie pressed into his side. Her smooth, pale skin glowing in the daylight. Smiling warmly, he pressed a kiss to her hair, causing her to stir. She stretched her back a little, arching it and pressing her bare breasts into his side even more. A smile began to appear on her face as he stroked her cheek lovingly.

"Good morning" he whispers.

"Good morning" came her soft reply. "Last night was beautiful"

"Not as beautiful as you" She reached up to touch him with her fingertips. It all felt like a dream.

"Do you feel alright? We drank our weight in wine when we got back here last night."

"I couldn't be better"

"No headache or anything?"

"Nope. How about you?"

"Nope, I'm fine."

"Good thing." she says.


"Because then I won't feel like I'm taking advantage of you in your vulnerable state" She says seductively, positioning herself on top of him. He looked up at her as if she were a goddess, stroking her thighs that lay either side of his torso. She leaned down, pressing her chest against his, kissing him passionately. He gripped her bum, thinking of easing her onto himself when a cellphone rang in the distance. She sat up and looked at him, a puzzled look on her face.

"That's yours, Steph" he told her and she huffed. "I know...."

"Just when we were getting to the good part" she said and he chuckled, watching her get off him and hunt for her bag, thrown on the floor in the heat of their continued romance the night before. She tossed her dress, bra and panties aside, unable to find the phone as it continued to ring. She crawls over to the corner by the dresser and spots it right in her line of sight. She opens her clutch and flips her phone open. "Hello, Karen" she answers.

"Jesus! I've been calling you all night! I've been worried sick!"

"You don't have to worry about me"

"I haven't seen you at all and you had asked me to come and sort out your engagements for this summer. You have about a million appearances scheduled"

"I know, I'm sorry, but remember how I told you I was hanging out with Jenna?"

"Let me talk to her" Stevie panicked. She shot a glance to Lindsey, watching gleefully from the bed. She started giggling nervously, unsure what to say as her questioning of her and her whereabouts continues. "She's not there, is she?"


"Stevie! Where the hell are you? How can you be laughing when I'm terrified my boss is stranded or dead?"

"I'm obviously not dead. It's not that serious, Kar. Seriously, relax, have a glass of wine..."

"Do you need me to pick you up?"

"No, I'm fine. I promise I will will be home later. I am very safe and in no danger whatsoever." Lindsey starts laughing loudly and Stevie throws his wadded up tee shirt at him, causing herself to giggle even more when it hits him in the face.

"Are you with Lindsey?" Karen asks and the giggles continue. "Have him bring you home, okay? Next time give me a heads up that you're going to be gone with your boyfriend all night."

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