Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Third Person P.O.V.

Twenty Years Later

College should have been an experience only for humans.

People sat in History with bored expressions and yawned. It was true the class was boring. They were discussing the relationships between countries during the Renaissance.

Serena sat next to her two best friends Kol and Rebekah Mikaelson. The humans were unaware of the presence of vampires in the classroom and the fact that one was teaching the class.

Serena watched the slides on the board pass by. She wasn't paying attention. Like she always said, college is for humans. We vampires attend parties they throw for a buzz and blood.

To which her mother would tell her to stop hanging around with Kol.

She nearly jumped at the chance to leave the class when they were all dismissed.

Grabbing her bag and books, she made her way down the row.

"Ms. Gilbert, Ms. Mikaelson, Mr. Mikaelson, please come here." It was never a good sign when the teacher called these three down.

Kol rolled his eyes and Serena knew to shut the door.

"What do you want, brother? I have to 'study' for... Things." Kol said as he leaned on a wall, waiting for Elijah to talk. Serena rolled her eyes at him, knowing he was going to feed or kill the blonde that was sitting three seats in front of them.

It was weird to be in a class taught by her extended family, but Serena loved it. Sure Elijah was irritating sometimes, but she accepted it.

Kol on the other hand hated it. Elijah volunteered in the history department only as a spy for Elena, Serena's mother. Imagine the surprise when the three students walked in to see Elijah Mikaelson- in a suit as usual- standing center stage, about to teach. It was funny really because Kol had cracked so many jokes that resulted in Rebekah slapping him as hard as a human could without being seen as supernatural to the humans that walked beside them.

"We have a problem." It was the words that struck fear in all of them.

Serena knew the stories of Mystic Falls and everything that happened there. It was a common phrase that was said around the house. Such as the time Serena forgot to put the cap on the blender and it exploded and landed on everything. Including Elijah. Or when Rebekah couldn't find the perfect shoes for a dance and she accidentally pushed Kol out the window when he made a comment 'along the lines of "And you say I'm a perfectionist." Or when Kol managed to get stuck in a tree and couldn't break the branch that had impaled him. It was Elena that eventually helped him. But then was distracted by Serena and the blender and left him to the tree.

Moments later, the door opened and in came a woman. Her brown chestnut hair and caramel eyes made her look sweet and kind. She wore blue jeans and a purple top with a leather jacket over it.

"Mom!" Serena ran to her mother and engulfed her in a hug. They hadn't seen each other in months and only talked on the phone. Another reason Serena resented college.

"Hey!" Elena said in reply. She was beyond excited to see her daughter. She had only wished it was under different circumstances.

As they all said their hellos and exchanged hugs, Serena noticed the look in her mother's eyes as she looked at Elijah.

Elijah and Elena had found an agreement. They were friends. A sister and brother type of relationship.

"What's going on?" Serena asked as she watched Elijah and her mother look at each other carefully.

Elena looked to Serena, a small frown on her face. She knew she was talking to everyone in the room, but it was about Serena.

"There has been some problems in Mystic Falls. Amara has died. A few months ago..." Elena looked at each of them. "He's been looking for his doppelgänger and Bonnie and Caroline. People have come back from the dead when we left Mystic Falls. He's also sniffing around the Originals. He thinks you guys are hiding something. He's even looking for Klaus." She stopped talking as Kol growled. It was a low sound, almost like a dog.

Serena felt her stomach knot. She knew about Silas and who her father and uncle are. She just didn't particularly feel anything towards them. But going after people, she knew it was wrong. And Serena also knew that she had to kill Silas. It was her destiny and how she would become a normal vampire. A vampire that wasn't stronger than an Original vampire. It drove Kol insane that he was always beaten in every sport they attempt to play.

"So..." Elena looked at Elijah. He nodded and Elena visible became depressed. "We have to go to Mystic Falls."

Serena didn't know how to react to that. She always wanted to see her father. Meet him and then maybe giving him a piece of her mind. But she never thought she would have to meet him. She always thought Silas would have caught wind her and her mother were alive and came to kill them.

"Silas's desire is to be the strongest vampire. He can achieve that because he is stronger than us Originals. If he kills you, Serena, then he is the strongest. You are stronger, if not then equal, to Silas." Elijah explained.

Elena looked to her daughter and she saw the look of shock.

Serena nodded. "So... What happens now?" She asked.

Elena felt dread course through her. She never wanted this for her daughter. She wanted this to be a fun life for her.

"We leave in a week. We're staying in a town next to Mystic Falls." Elena replied to her daughters question.

"We own a house there." Kol put in, trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe we can destroy it like we did the last one?" He smirked as he remembered the trashed house. He and Rebekah threw a party. By the time the sun had come up, the house was trashed with garbage, bottles, cans, and chips all over the place.

Someone even ripped up a pillow and threw the stuffing everywhere.

Needless to say they moved out and compelled people to clean it for them.

Serena sighed and nearly wanted to throw her hands in the air and scream. She didn't want to kill anyone. She never even killed her meals she gets on the street. It wasn't fair to her.

"Fine." She said, hitching her bag up on her shoulder. She disappeared from the room before any of them had time to stop her.

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