Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Third Person P.O.V.

          "Kol, give me the pan!" Rebekah yelled as she slapped him. Elena watched and smiled as the two siblings argued.

          "You two act as though you are children." Elijah said as he walked into the room. His black suit and white dress shirt didn't seem out of  the ordinary.

          Elena rolled her eyes as the pan came down and hit Kol. "What was that for?! I gave it back!" Kol screamed as blood gushed out of his nose.

          Rebekah smiled innocently. "Sorry brother. It was an accident." She placed the pan in the sink, thought about it, saw the blood on the side, and placed it in the trash can. "And now you have to deal with Serena." She faced Kol. "That was her favorite pan to cook with."

          As if on cue, she walked in and stopped. She took in Kol's bloody nose, Rebekah's smirk, and her mother's warm smile.

          "I don't really want to know." She turned to her mother. "I'm going to the book store." Her mother nodded.

          "Be safe." She hugged her daughter and smiled. "I love you."

          "Love you, too." She glanced at Rebekah. "Come on. I know you're just dying to go."

          She rolled her eyes. "I'm only going for the shopping afterward."

          "Girls and their shopping," Kol muttered after they left. "No point to it."

          Elena looked at him and then to Elijah. "Are you sure he's a Mikaelson?" Elijah only chuckled and smiled at his younger brother.


          "Why a book store?" Rebekah asked as they walked into a Barns and Nobles. "I would rather be shopping for clothes."

          Truth was, Rebekah hated book stores. She hated reading. It bored her to read. Being in a mall- even though it was small- with stores for clothes made her happy.

          Even though Serena didn't want to shop.

          "Because there is only so many times I can watch Dance Moms before I go insane. However, I do think Kol likes it."

          She smiled at the memory of it. She had been sitting on the couch half asleep when the older vampire suddenly appeared and started watching. She remembered the look of irritation when the episode ended.

          Rebekah looked at her friend who she had come to know as a sister. "And what is going on between you and Kol?" She asked as she followed the slayer down the row to the crime books.

          Serena threw her a confused look.

          "Oh don't play dumb. Do you have a thing for my brother?" Rebekah asked as she looked at her.

          Serena shook her head. "Can't say I do. He's not my type." She smirked. "He's too obnoxious."

          Rebekah sighed. "We need to get you a man. The last one was what? A year ago? And you ended up compelling him to move to Italy!" She said as an older couple walked by giving them a disapproving look.

          Serena rolled her eyes- something she was doing a lot more lately. "No. Kol tried to kill him. He needed to leave. And I don't 'need a man' as you like to put it. I'm content." She said as she peered at different titles.

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