Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Third Person P.O.V.

          "Welcome home." Rebekah said with a sigh as she opened the door to the house.

          The house was large. Three floors and four if you count the basement with something straight out of a horror movie. The outside was modern. Two staircases on the left and right sides that led to a porch. Then the double doors that led inside. Above the doors was an intricate teardrop design for the large windows. Below the porch was a patio with sliding glass doors. They led to the living room. The patio had small shrubs on either side making it look like a country club. There was a large pool in front of that which no one ever bothered to use.

          The house was in true Mikaelson style. It was miles away from the town, but still in it. The house was in the center and had two acres surrounding it before  it started to woods.

          The rooms had been chosen before arriving and everyone had already unpacked. It helped when you're a vampire.

          Serena was on the porch. She leaned against the railing in the corner, watching the sun slowly set.

          A lot raced around her mind. The fact she would have to take a life. Innocent or not, she was having a troubling time over it.

          "It changes people." Said a voice from next to her.

          She knew who it was. She was surprised they were outside. "And how's that?" She asked, knowing they were on the same page.

          He chuckled. "It takes away that human complexion all vampires have until their first kill." Elijah said, looking at the skyline with her.

          She glanced at him and then back at the sky. A few moments passed before she spoke. "Seems I was born to kill."

          "You can change your future. You are a vampire, Serena. You have an eternity to plan." He said this while looking at her. Serena nodded.

          "Not sure in this case wisdom helps. I have to kill someone- even if he deserves it- and end a life. If I don't, people will die." Her voice wavered towards the end. The sun was almost gone and a feeling of dread kicked in.

          Elijah let that sink in for a moment. He knew what to say but not how to phrase it.

          "Would you rather kill one person, or live with the guilt because that person killed and you could have stopped it?" He asked. She thought this over.

          If she killed Silas, she would be saving people.

          If she let Silas die, the blood would be on her hands.

          "They don't lie when they say life isn't fair." She muttered, more to herself than Elijah.

          He sighed. "That they don't." He stood and offered her a hand. "Come on. Kol seems to have found something in our Mother's grimoire that could potentially help you."

          She smiled in thanks and took his hand.

          They walked into the house and to the study where many book were. Many handwritten by the Original Family.

          In the study, Kol sat in the swivel chair next to Rebekah who was leaning on the desk next to him and Elena was leaning on the bookshelf, looking through a book.

          "Ah, nice of you two to join us. Kol, start." Rebekah said, clearly annoyed.

          Kol smirked. "Now, now little sister. Don't be so mean because I found the book before you."

          She slapped the back of his head and rolled her eyes. "Anyway, he found something that-" She was interrupted by Kol shushing her.

          "I want to tell them!" He shouted over her.

          Elena rolled her eyes with a small smile on her face. "They've been arguing for the last hour." Her voice showing the smile that was plastered to her face.

          "Enough with the games. What did you find?" Elijah sighed, crossing his arms.

          Kol rolled his eyes. "No fun big brother." He muttered. He quickly changed the tone of his voice when Elijah gave him a pointed look. "Anyway, Mother knew about doppelgangers. Two thousand years ago, people didn't write down spells. They were only passed down through word of mouth. Witches didn't start writing them down until only a couple hundred years before us. When they finally did, no one wrote down old spells. Only newer ones. It wasn't until a witch in ancient Rome, a woman started to write down her family history and spells. When the Roman Empire started to fall, that's when she stopped writing them down. She never completed the spell that cursed the original doppelgangers." As he spoke, he was flipping pages of the book, showing them different pictures.

          "In the tenth century, the spells were found in Greece. The witch Ayana was told about them and then, before Mother made us vampires, Ayana lent her the book. The book was studied and Father had her copy it. Mother had the book. All the spells." Rebekah finished as Kol opened another book.

          "You mean, the woman wrote everything down? And now, how can this help?" Elijah asked.

          Kol smirked and pushed the book forward.

          Elena, Serena, and Elijah moved forward to see the book.

          The heading was written in Latin and Kol was happy to translate for the non Latin speakers.

          "Et factum est immortale. Which translates to: The Death of the Immortal."

          Serena stared at the lettering and was looking at the pictures on the side.

          A stake that resembled the daggers used on the Originals that Elijah had hidden. A crystal glass that was a red liquid she assumed was blood. And last was a coffin wrapped in chains and a large lock like something you would see in a movie.

          "The dagger will kill Silas. The liquid will slowly shut down his body functions just like if a vampire were to desiccate. Immobilize them really. The coffin will be used to put his dead body in and the lock and chains will secure him inside. His heart must be extracted from his body and hidden in a place no one will find. The body and heart must be separated because if not, followers of Silas can revive him." Elena read off the book that she was looking through earlier.

          Elena walked to her daughter and gave her a hug.

          "Every things going to be okay." Elena whispered.

          Serena was a statue. The thought of killing someone was revolting.

          She would have to kill Silas or die trying

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