Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Third Person P.O.V.

          Damon Salvatore sat at the bar, waiting for Stefan. They had gotten closer as brothers. And by that, they don't always want to kill each other every time something happens.

          As Damon looked around the bar, he noticed something about the air in the room. It seemed to be filled with an undeniable promise of evil. And that only meant one thing.

          "Hello Silas." The two vampire look-alikes had fooled Damon a few times, but he usually figured it out. Only one time he was nearly killed by Silas when he was at the boarding house. Stefan saved him and that was when they started growing closer.

          There was a slight breeze and Silas was sitting next to him. His leather jacket and hero hair really did make him look like Stefan.

          "Ah. If it isn't my doppelgangers brother. Where is he anyway?" Silas looked around the room as if Stefan was going to magically appear.

          Damon smirked, and without looking at him, he spoke. "I don't know. The last time you two saw each other, he tried to kill you." He spoke his last few words slowly. "And if I recall correctly, you then almost killed him, only to be taken out by the history teacher. So yeah... He doesn't want to see you." He smirked and lifted the glass to his lips and downing the whole thing.

          Silas turned to him. "Alright. Then where are your Original Vampire friends? They seemed to have disappeared. Mind telling me about that?" He was digging for information. Even Damon could see that.

          Damon shrugged. "Maybe they just needed to go to a weekend spa." Damon replied. He went to stand when Silas placed his hand on his shoulder and brought him back to the seat. He leaned into Damon's ear.

          "I will make myself perfectly clear Mr. Salvatore. I am in no mood for games. Amara is dead, Qetsiyah is dead, the Originals have disappeared, and Bonnie Bennett is nowhere to be found along with your little blonde friend and my look-alike." He gripped Damon's neck and tightened his grip. "So. Where. Are. They?" He asked, grip getting tighter and tighter with each word. Damon struggled to breathe.

          "No idea." And with that, Silas threw him across the bar and into the wall.

          "I don't like being lied to. Where are they?" He growled. The humans took no notice and that's when Damon figured they had been compelled.

          "And I'm not lying!" Damon said with a smile. He held his hands up in surrender.

          Silas glared at him. "When I do find them, I will kill each and every one of them in front of you." And then he was gone as quickly as he came.

          Damon rolled onto his back, the few bricks and pieces of glass that had come down on him crunched.

          He stood, fixed his jacket and made his way outside. Only to scream and have to go back in. Looking down at his hand, he noticed the Daylight Ring had disappeared from his finger and the red color slowly went back to normal.

          Silas had taken his Daylight Ring.


          Damon had waited until the sun went down before taking off through the woods and into the Boarding House where his brother stood, pacing back and forth.

          "Why the hell didn't you show up?" Damon asked his brother, a little too angry due to his little 'run in' with Silas.

          Stefan glanced up, but continued his pacing.

          "Sorry. I got a call of Caroline. They moved from her father's cabin to somewhere up the eastern seaboard. They move every week but won't tell us where. Bonnie keeps trying to find her Grams on the Other Side, but it's not working well. She thinks she may have found peace." Stefan muttered.

          Damon nodded. He poured himself a drink. "Why did you wait all day?" Stefan asked. Damon took a sip.

          "Got caught by the evil half of you. He's holding a little bit of a grudge against you..." And then Damon waggled his fingers. "And he got my Daylight Ring." Stefan nodded.

          They shared a silence.

          "Do you know where the Originals went?" Damon asked, slightly curious about where they went.

          "No. I would assume to see Klaus in New Orleans." Stefan said. Damon nodded.

          "Well, I'm going to find our little trouble maker and beat him until I get my ring." He said with a smirk.

          Stefan looked after his brother. "Damon, wait." Damon stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Don't go in this and get yourself killed. She might come home with..." Stefan trailed off when he saw Damon's fist clench.

          "No. You heard what Elijah and Rebekah said. They're both dead." And with that, Damon left, no longer filled with hate and the urge for revenge. Rather filled with pain and despair.

          He sighed. At least he knew who I was talking about, Stefan thought.

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