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The End

            The reason all the characters that died came back is because Silas needed them to be on the other side and pass through Amara. Once they were brought back, they would be sacrificed to the Other Side and Amara would be brought back from her pass through port for the supernatural that died. Silas was manipulating all of the characters through their dreams.

Through the books Tyler, Caroline, and Bonnie found, they would eventually lead them to clues that would defeat Silas.

Serena would start to fall in love with Elijah. He would show her everything there is to being powerful. He shows her how to fight and hone in her powers. He would feel guilty that he kept the secret of her father from her, but he feels he still has to honor his promise to Elena.

Serena meets Damon at the Grill when she was driving through. She was on her way home from Marian's home when she was detoured through Mystic Falls. She goes into the Grill and orders a drink. She looks at the pictures along the wall and sees some of Elijah and Kol with Rebekah.

She finishes her drink and gets a call from Kol that something happened. She gets up to leave but runs into Damon. He panics and thought it was Elena and becomes sad when it isn't her. She apologized and moved on.

The Mystic Falls Gang tracks down Elijah and he's with Serena. Damon follows them back to their house and sees Elena.

He knocks on the door and Elena answers. He's angry, but he isn't showing it. He's happy to be there. Serena comes downstairs and calls Elena Mom and Damon is confused.

Serena gets angry that Elena kept Damon away from her. She's even angrier that everyone Kol, Elijah, and Rebekah) kept him a secret. She leaves and is grabbed by Silas.

Damon is angry with Elena and they begin to fight. The big secret comes out. The reason Elena left was because Damon didn't believe it was possible. He wanted her to kill it because it couldn't be real. It would have been evil and he believed it. When Elena tried to explain it, he didn't want to hear it. It couldn't be possible and if it were, he couldn't be a father. He wouldn't be able to help the child grow. His father was terrible so he believed he would be too.

He apologizes. They're on a rocky understanding, but they want to focus on finding Serena.

Serena is almost killed by Silas. He wants to kill her because she can destroy everything he's worked so hard for. To get Amara back.

Everyone finds a way to trap him.

He gets away.

Serena is saved.

Later, she meets Damon officially as her father. She is told what happened and why Elena ran away. She's angry and hurt, but she eventually comes to terms with it.

They all do research to find a way to kill Silas. Eventually they find one.

The Originals all come together to kill Silas.

He dies. His plan is foiled.

Serena and Elijah makes amends and get together.

The Originals come to a tentative agreement to leave each other be unless it comes to saving one another.

Damon and Elena eventually make up. They take it slow and figure everything out.

Stefan and Lexi start to date.

Alaric and Jenna get together and get married. Have a kid or two.

Caroline and Klaus live together in New Orleans. She's okay that he has a kid with Hayley. They fall in love.

Matt goes off to college. He gets good grades and goes into the police force. He protects humans from the supernatural in Mystic Falls.

Tyler goes off in search of a pack. He wants to help others with the transition to be a werewolf.

Bonnie starts to date Kol. They work out. It's adorable.

And the Cullen's all fuck off.

If I missed anything, just pop a question in the comments, I will answer them. Any questions are welcome. Also, not edited. If you see anything, just point it out if you want!

Again, I really am sorry I didn't finish this story. I just don't have the motivation or interest in it anymore.

Thank you all for coming with me on this journey!

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