Chapter One: Eighth Year

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This fanfic has self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and things like that. If you are sensitive to these things, you should turn back around and read something else. You have been warned

Also: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. They all belong the the amazing author JK Rowling, I just wanted to write this story about them :)


After the battle of Hogwarts, Harry had decided he couldn't stand to live with the Dursley's any more. Harry was an of age wizard, and had his own home, left to him by his late godfather, Sirius Black, and he had a very large pile of gold waiting for him in his vault. He also liked the idea of Grimmauld Place because it was under a fidelious charm, so no one from the Wizarding world could bother him, other than his friends, whom knew of the address. 

Ever since the war had ended, Harry would get flashbacks whenever he would get startled and he had more panic attacks in one day than he'd like to admit. Ron and Hermione usually visited him during lunch and dinner to make sure he was doing alright, and often were there to calm him during a panic attack.

"Looks like we got our letters. I swear, no matter where we go, they know how to find us with these bloody owls! If You-Know-Who really wanted to find us, he should've just sent an owl to us." Ron proclaimed after three owls perched themselves on the open windowsill. 

"Well, the Owls may know where we may have been, but they can't exactly talk and tell the Death Eaters our location, can they, Ron?" Hermione responded. Harry remained silent as he prepared some tea for the three of them.

 "So, what's new, Harry?" Hermione asked upon realizing he had stayed quiet throughout the exchange.

 "Eh, nothing new. I've been researching how to get rid of that hideous screeching painting. So far, the only thing I've found that keeps her quiet is if I threaten to rip her right out of her frame and burn it in the fireplace." Harry chuckled.  

Ron and Hermoine were glad to see Harry was laughing. After the war, he rarely even smiled. He atmosphere seemed to have lightened significantly at that.

"Oh my goodness! Look! McGonagall has made me the Head Girl of our year!" The girl said with a shriek. 

"Like there was ever a doubt you wouldn't get it.." Ron commented

"Well I did miss a whole year of school—I just—I'm so happy!" 

"Hermione, your the brightest witch of our age. Knowing you, you probably studied all of seventh year material in fourth year!" Ron exclaimed

"Er, well..uh" and with that, she started to blush  

"Wait..Guys, it says here on the parchment that were probably going to have to share a dorm with the other eight years. A huge chunk of the castle is missing and says that their using parts from each of the house dorms to build it up. They can fit all the grades except...our year. We're the smallest year apparently they only need a few people out from each house so they just decided to take our year out..." Said Hermione. 

Ron butted in, his face horrified " you mean to say we might have to share a bloody common room with all of the other houses? Hufflepuff? Ravenclaw? Slytherin!?" 

"Yes, Ronald. That's what I just said. I think we're still allowed to visit the Gryffindor common room, although we'd probably have to be back in the dorms by curfew." Hermione finished. 

"Merlin's Left Sock! Look at the time! I'm so sorry, Harry! I need to get back home so we can make it to our trip on time! Are we still in to go to Diagon Alley next week? Make sure to bring your cloak! Bye!" Before Harry got to answer, Hermione had already apperated to her home. 

"Sorry, mate. Gotta go home. Mum will be absolutely mad if I'm not back soon! See you for lunch tomorrow." 

"Bye, Ron."


That was my first chapter, if you liked it, please let me know. It will give me motivation to keep going. I will try write chapters consistently, but I can't make any promises,

Love you all,


Celeste Lyra

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