Chapter 13: Harry's Woes

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Ugh, what happened yesterday, I remember it was bad, but what happene- Oh, right. Harry recalled the events of the day prior. Malfoy. Draco bloody Malfoy. The sodding idiot had tried to kill himself ! He reminded himself. The raven haired boy slowly got up. He was exhausted from his typical nightmare-riddled sleep. He turned and looked directly at the bed to the left of him. It was completely empty. 


Harry had only been to two classes before he had a call from Madam Pomfrey to find out what happened to Malfoy. Damn he thought to himself. and here I thought this year would be the end of Malfoy. Slowly, he made his way through the castle until he reached the Hospital Wing. 

When he was asked what happened to Malfoy and why he insisted on keeping the boy in the hospital wing, Harry had told her quietly that the blonde had tried to commit suicide. Harry cringed when she started shrieking "He what!" and then he repeated, trying hard not to make too much of a commotion. "He tried to off himself..." 

Next thing he knew, he was being sent to get Professor McGonagall. Harry once again set out through the castle to find McGonagall, but it wasn't until he reached the gargoyle that led to the office that he realized, he didn't know the password. The Gryffindor then started guessing random candies.

"Acid pops!"

"Chocolate Frogs!"

"Lemon Drops!"

Wait, this is McGonagall, not Dumbledore, she wouldn't have her password as candy...He thought, then he started shouting other things



"Stuff old people like!"

"Erm, Tabby Cat?"

And the gargoyle lept aside for Harry to walk up the spiral staircase leading to the Headmistress's office. After explaining himself, he had the professor following him to the Hospital Wing. 

When the two arrived, McGonagall had told him to wait in the front for them. He took a seat and began to fidget with the arm of the chair. The Boy-Who-Lived was feeling rather anxious and was afraid that he might have a panic attack if he couldn't calm down. Harry tried to calm himself, but all he could think about was the rather unsettling look Malfoy had to him when he was trying to jump. All he could think about was the way he clung to Harry as if he was the blond's only lifeline. All he could think about was how thin and pale he had become. None of it was helping. He decided to message Ron and Hermione, maybe they could help him feel better. So he pulled out the fake galleon and started to write, but he got a message first.  "Wotcher Harry" It said. He smiled to himself, Ron did have such a way with words. "They want to ask me about what happened last night" "Oh" Harry tapped his foot, he couldn't help it, its just a nervous tick of his. "Well wish you luck mate, I'll talk to you after class, Professor will my head if I can't work out this essay" And with that, Harry smiled weakly to himself. 

Just as he started to feel better, he heard a voice beckoning him. Harry got up, trying to drown out any other feelings. He just wanted to be all professional. However, that did not work out. Upon entering the room, Harry swept his eyes over the new scenery. He laid his eyes on Malfoy, he looked oddly vulnerable. It was unnerving. The Gryffindor studied the other boy, he noticed all the marks he had induced on himself. Harry barely managed to suppress a shutter when he looked at his arms. Now, completely bare, he could see all the cuts that criss-crossed, all the scars that had been healed and harmed again. It looked painful. His stomach gave a jolt.

"Mr. Potter, Harry, since Draco here will not tell us anything, it is up to you to explain what happened last night." McGonagall butt in.

"Er- well, I was walking around during our free period you see, and I er- I heard someone up in the astronomy tower and I thought I should check it out and, well. I saw him there, Professor. His wand to his head. I disarmed him and even after that, he tried to jump." Harry said, cringing at they way he relay the events. He turned to look at Malfoy, but it seemed he was looking the other way, determined to be oblivious.

"I see. Thank you for telling me, Harry. You may have the rest of the day off if you like." The Headmistress said solemnly. Harry just ducked his head and walked away.


Harry made his way around the castle until he ended up outside in the forest. He had walked out of the room just at the right moment. By the time he had reached the door, his legs felt like they had been hit with the leg-lock jinx and the jelly-leg hex at the same time. He felt light headed and was in desperate need for air. The raven haired boy had no idea how, but he had made it outside. He instantly felt better. Harry walked and walked until he was in the forest. Letting the green surround him. The Gryffindor had no idea how long he had been out there until he felt a pair of small hands on his shoulders. He turned around to see Hermione's face, constricted in worry. The girl was saying words, but Harry was too lost in his own world to hear.

Yes, contrary to popular belief, I am indeed alive. If you are worried I will not finish this fic, do not fear for I, Celeste Lyra, promise on my magic it will finish, on this account or another. Again, I will use my lame, but true excuse, school. Just when I thought all my projects were over, boom, another one. Hopefully I can get the next chapter out soon, I know this one was probably kind of a bore, but I really wanted to show more panic-attack Harry, since I haven't had a chance to do so before. Thank you all for your time and patience,


Celeste Lyra

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