Chapter 7: The Map

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He sat there in The Three Broomsticks for a few minutes, replaying what Malfoy had just said to him. He had hope she did poison it, then chugged the whole thing and ran off. Oh Merlin, is Malfoy suicidal? Harry felt himself grow weak imagining the blond swallowing the beverage and foaming at the mouth such as Ron did in sixth year, but this time, Harry doesn't have a bezoar with him to save Malfoy. Eventually, Harry stood up and made his way out of the bar, placing down a galleon, which was much more than enough to cover the price of the drinks, as he went.

Sometime later, Harry met Hermione and Ron taking a stroll and Harry walked up to the two of them.


"Oi Harry! Blimey! You nearly gave me a heart failure!" Ron shouted

"Oh sorry, forgot I had the cloak on,"

"It's fine, Harry. What's wrong, you look upset?" Hermione asked

"I went to grab a drink at the Three Broomsticks and I met Malfoy there."

"Merlin, Harry, your obsessed with him..." Ron groaned

"Well I told you! When I was talking to him, he drew blood!" Harry bit

Hermione interrupted "Wait, drew blood? What do you mean?"

"'Mione, he's just paranoid, I'm sure it's nothing." Ron said batting the air with his hands

"Well," Harry started explaining, "this morning I couldn't sleep, so I walked down to the common room and Malfoy was already there! He was doing something to his arm but then stop when he knew I was there. At some point I said how I still miss everyone and he closed his eyes and started digging his nails into his arm so hard that he drew blood. Ron says that he was just angry or something, but he looked more sad than angry." Harry took a deep breath in and continued "and when I was at the Three Broomsticks, I sat next to him, because there were no other seats, and he finally talks! He said he's hardly said a bloody word all year! Then he says that  people have been hexing him and he deserves it, before mumbling something about Rosmerta maybe putting something in his drink, like a poison! Then he says how he hopes she did put somethings and chugs the whole bloody drink! He said it so quietly that I think he thinks I didn't hear!"

Ron and Hermione had remained quiet the entire time Harry explained, then finally the witch spoke. "Maybe, Harry, he is depressed, I mean, his father is in Azkaban and his mother under house arrest, I just wouldn't worry about him, Harry..." 


Hermione had told Harry to stop worrying about Malfoy, but instead, he did quite the opposite. He couldn't stop wondering what happened to the old Malfoy whom was his nemesis. What happened to the Malfoy that made snarky comments, the Malfoy that used to tease him relentlessly, what happened to the Malfoy that would smirk when Harry did something wrong in potions? What happened to the Malfoy that had confidence? Harry had no idea why, but he was just so upset that Malfoy wasn't talking doing  that, and it felt so weird to see him all alone, looking broken. Harry decided that he should use the Marauder's Map to find out anything extra about the bloke because he just seemed so off. Even in Sixth year, he acted somewhat like his normal sarcastic self.

The next day, Harry had forgotten his invisibility cloak and there were too many people in the common room, so he was forced to sit in the library for lunch. He sent a quick message on the fake galleon letting Ron and Hermione know where he was, and then walked into the library. He made his way to the section of books on Quidditch and began to read. He hadn't even noticed he sat in the seat in front of Malfoy, actually, he seemed completely oblivious to Malfoy. The Gryffindor read the book thinking about Ginny being the new seeker, since Harry hated them cheering for him, he hated the other teams purposely letting him win. 

Harry and Ginny were good friends, and had decided it was for the best of they stopped seeing each other, a relief on both ends. Ginny had even said she was interested in someone else, but wouldn't say who. 

After a small while, Harry noticed who was right in front of him when they shifted in the seat. Harry looked up and noticed it was Malfoy. The blond looked up at him and seemed to notice for the first time, that Harry was there. Malfoy was the forced to speak again, which surprised Harry, since he never spoke.

"Why are you here, Potter?" His face, bemused

"I could ask you the same, Malfoy." He said automatically 

"I asked first" 

"Well if you must know, I don't fancy the entire Great Hall attacking me to touch 'the Savior'" Harry grimaced at himself "so why are you here?"

"You have people surrounding you because they love you while I have people surrounding me for the opposite reason." Malfoy said flatly

"Are you always hiding in here? Don't you eat anything?" Harry asked, disbelief in his eyes

"I'm never hungry. Just thinking of eating makes me feel sick" the Slytherin mumbled, placing his eyes back onto the book he was reading.  


Malfoy had missed a few classes already and now it was almost halfway through Transfiguration, and Harry couldn't focus knowing that Malfoy was gone. During the middle of the class, he pulled out the map and began to look for the blond's name. After scanning all of the rooms for the third time, Harry finally found him. Harry had overlooked him so many times because he knew Malfoy is never around other people, but at the moment, there are four other students all around him. Harry watches and they get steadily closer, the Malfoy is pushed back into a wall. He watched as the four students walked away and Malfoy's name had remained against the wall until is moved slowly to the dormitories. 

"Um, Professor?"

"Yes, Mr. Potter?"

"May I use the bathroom?"

"Of course. Use the hall pass, please"

Harry took the path to the boys bathrooms because he knew he would run right into Malfoy if he did. And there he was, his face had a large purple bruise from his cheekbone all the way don to his jawline, his lip was busted, and he was walking with a slight limp.

"Merlin, Malfoy! What happened to you?!"

All Malfoy did was look at him, and he continued to walk along, leaving Harry with a sick feeling in his stomach.

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