Chapter 6: Hogsmeade

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The boy knew Potter had been watching him, he wasn't exactly discrete when it came to watching people, so Draco had to start making sure he was never around Potter. It just hurt him so much to see this boy, so happy and alive, to be watching someone like him, thinking he was up to something. 

McGonagall had told the entire school that the next Hogsmeade trip was going to be this weekend. Draco had almost not game, but decided last minute maybe he should, only so he could stop by Honeydukes and grab more chocolate. On Friday, Draco had not been able to sleep at all, and instead, spent a good portion of time crying. At about eleven o'clock, he stumbled out of bed, careful to not wake the other two boys. He swiftly grabbed his clothes, and brought them tithe bathroom to change, and put his pajamas away. Draco spent an hour looking outside the window in the common room and how easy it would be just to fall out and disappear forever and cutting his left arm, where the Dark Mark lay, when Potter had interrupted him.

Draco peered over his shoulder to see who it was, and upon finding out it was Potter, turned around and hastily covered his arm. Draco stood there for a while, staring outside and he heard Harry speak to him, the first time he's spoken to him since the Hogwarts Express, actually. After a little while, Draco decided to sit down, all he did was think about people who remained blissfully ignorant and managed to be happy, how he wished he could be like that.

"I wish they were still here..." The other boy said after a while. Draco closed his eyes and could feel crushing guilt fall upon him. He squeezed his arm so tightly, his nails were digging inside, causing his arm to draw blood. Draco could see them all, begging for mercy, screaming, and screaming, then silence. He remembered the house elves banging on the door because if they would to return, the would most certainly be tortured by Him. He started feeling sick, and when the blood started to form beads, he forced his mind to think of something else.


Draco walked to Hogsmeade looking around as he went. He decided that after grabbing a drink, he would go and buy his chocolate. When he sat down, however, he got a very nasty face from Rosmerta, before she put down a glass of Butterbeer. From the way she moved, it looked almost as though she put something in his drink, but he knew she didn't. After siting in silence for a couple minutes, when he heard a familiar voice ask him something.

"Hey, um is this spot taken?" Potter asked him

The blond shook his head

When Harry sat down, Madam Rosmerta had shown up and brought him his drink. She made a face at the Slytherin, but then hid it with a fake smile and walked away. This didn't go unnoticed by Draco  and he looked down at his lap trying to ignore Potter.

"So, um, I dont think I've heard you say anything at all this year, have you lost your voice or something, Malfoy?" The Gryffindork asked, awkwardly.

"I haven't lost my voice, Potter, I just don't have anything to say..." Draco said, his voice horse from the lack of use.

"Wow, I actually hadn't expected you to respond because you never say anything."

"Well, this is one my first times speaking at all this school year, actually, and I hardly spoke during the Summer..."

"Really? And here I thought I hardly spoke!"

The blond merely nodded. And after another long while, Potter took a few gulps of his Butterbeer before Draco spoke to him.

"I really didn't want to come back this year..." He said quietly, staring down at his drink.

"Why wouldn't you want to come back? And if you didn't, why did you not stay back home?" The Boy-Who-Lived asked.

"Well, I don't want to come because I knew I was going to get ridiculed out here, but I would much rather have hexes, jinxes, anything like that than to stay another day at the manor. After fourth year, the manor stopped being my home.."

"Wait, so people have been hexing you here?" The other boy seeming to have gone into defensive mode.

"Well, it was nothing I don't deserve, I mean, I should very well be locked up in Azkaban right now, but I'm not...I don't even know why..." He mumbled.

"You don't deserve to be hexed unless you provoke someone, much like how we were back when in first through fifth year, you should not be getting hexed because of a decision were forced to make when you were sixteen" Potter responded sternly.

"Whatever...I just don't have the energy to argue right now.." Draco  said  very softly.

Potter had finished his Butterbeer, and looked over to Draco's drink, a question in his eyes, but before he could ask, the Slytherin spoke.

"You know, I swear I saw her put something in my Butterbeer, I honestly hope she did" he said the last part even more quiet than he was already talking and took a large swig of his Butterbeer

"Malfoy, do you really think that she'd put anything in the drinks!" Potter said hotly, starting to grow upset, but Draco got up and walked away before he could continue.

The boy wondered if Potter had heard him say that last part, part of him hoped he did.

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