Chapter 3: New Dorms

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The sorting has concluded and everyone began to erupt in noise as they talked and ate. Many of them were whispering about the Savior Harry Potter. Harry avoided most of the states and whispers, but if someone asked him anything directly, he would make sure to answer them. This actually surprised Ron and Hermione because whenever they visited him at Grimmald Place, he hardly spoke. When Harry castes a glance at all of the tables, he noticed one person in particular had been acting aloof since the train. Draco Malfoy. 

When they tried to find an empty compartment, the friends had come across one that contained only one person in it, that being the blonde haired Slytherin. The three Gryffindor  were forced to sit there with him as there were no other empty compartments around. The entire journey, Malfoy hadn't uttered a single word, he hadn't even acknowledged them. This made Harry become very suspicious. In the Great Hall, Harry noticed Malfoy wasn't eating anything, he hadn't even put food  on his plate. All he did was stare at it, looking at the plate as though it would spill the greatest secrets of the world if he watched it long enough.  Harry hadn't even noticed he had been staring until Ron interrupted his train of thoughts.

"Wotcher, Harry. Are you trying to read his mind or something?"

"Oh, uh no... It's just that–doesn't Malfoy seem a little off to you?"

"Oi Harry, your starting to remind me of how you acted back in sixth year!"

"Well I was right though!"

"Well yeah, I guess it does seem a little off that he's not eating, but maybe it's just that he's not hungry. I'd probably not be eating if I was getting the same treatment as him. I'm sure it's nothing though, mate."


At the end of the feast, the eight years were being shown their new dormitories. Harry had made a couple of mental notes through the meal, one: if he's going to eat in the Great Hall, he needed to bring the invisibility cloak. Two: he should always have the Marauder's Map handy. The entrance to the dormitories was what used to be one of the restricted floors. It appears that while they were restoring the castle, they fixed up that floor and transformed  it so that it may be used as a dorm. 

As soon as they were shown the common room, Harry made a break for the rooms. He found that most of them had students of different houses combined in the same room. Dean and Seamus were stuck with two Ravenclaw blokes, Terry Boot and Michael Corner. After looking for his room for a couple more seconds, Harry finds that he is one of the few that only have three. Himself, Ron and...Malfoy? Well it was going to be a long year...

Begrudgingly, Harry marched through the door and flopped down onto the middle  bed where his trunk lay at the foot of it.  He pulled out the fake galleon that Hermione made back in fifth year, although she made some alterations so Harry could communicate with only certain people if he wanted to, and started to send a message to the two of them. A minute later, he get his hand grow hot, and looked at the galleon "Sodding Malfoy? Really?" That must've been Ron. Soon, a second one came "Sorry Harry." 

After another minute, the door flew open. Harry fully expected to see Ron to walk through the door, but was instead greeted with a very reserved looking Slytherin. His face was drawn and tinted a little grey and looked around the room. He barely glanced at Harry before looking away, as though afraid to meet his eye, and then walked to the bed on the left of Harry. Unable to keep his curiosity in check, Harry allowed his eyes to wander to Malfoy, who has yet to say a word to Harry since the war. Malfoy grabbed some silk pajamas, what looked to be as some bandages,  his new wand. Harry felt a twinge of guilt knowing that he still had the blonde's wand. 

The Slytherin walked out of the room to change. During the few minutes he was gone, Ron stumbled into the room. 

"Oi, Harry! So we have Malfoy as our roommate? Bloody hell!"

"I know, it's going to be a long year..."

The redhead then collapsed on his bed. Harry could tell he fell asleep, because after a large meal, Ron tended to sleep rather quickly. Soon, the blond walked back into the room, he looked, if even possible, even more pale than before. He walked quietly to the foot of his bed and put away his belongings and then crawled into bed, closing the curtains tightly as he did so. 

Harry decided after a few more minutes of absolute silence, that he decided he should probably go to sleep. He didn't bother changing, all he did was remove his cloak and unbutton his shirt before closing the curtains on his bed and finally falling  into a deep sleep, one he rarely got to, even with the aid of a dreamless sleep potion.

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