Chapter 10: Let's End It

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Oh Merlin. Oh Merlin! OH MERLIN!! He saw my bloody cuts! He thinks I'm disgusting! Draco Malfoy thought to himself as he rushed out of Potions the second Slughorn dismissed class. The blond had pulled up his sleeves, just a habit of his, whenever he started working in a potion. He had completely forgotten all about his cuts and scars and...and the Dark Mark. The face Potter had made when he saw them, practically proved that he hated Draco. His face contorted and a look of disgust fitted over his usually handsome face. When the blond saw the raven haired boy make this face, he knew that he must hate him. Why else would he make such an expression? Right?

Draco hadn't even the courage or confidence to look Potter in the face, let alone have eye contact. All he could feel was self-loathing and disgust towards himself. Right when he thought maybe Potter didn't hate him, Draco just had to ruin things.

Now, Draco was running to the dorms. He had to put his things away and do this now. He couldn't wait until after winter break, it had to be now. The Slytherin couldn't spend another day being attacked by his peers who all loathed him. The boy couldn't spend another day, hoping things would get better. He wouldn't spend another day, pining after a boy who would never love him back. He wouldn't spend another day living. This is exactly why Malfoy's don't have emotions such as sadness or love. They are pitiful and only lead to self-destruction Draco though to himself bitterly.


It was free period. Most eighth years spent the time studying and doing homework, but not a certain blond haired Slytherin. Draco Malfoy started walking up the stairs the astronomy tower. His hand twitched with the wand inside it, his stomach twisted up and knotted at the memories from sixth year. A few times, Draco had thought he heard someone walking behind him, and each time, he had to tell himself it wasn't another student coming to use a stinging hex.

When the boy reached the top, he started to speak aloud to himself.

"Well, I guess this is the end, isn't it... You did all those things to live only to die now, how pathetic!" His voice shook, bitterness and loathing in every syllable

"It can all end now, where it all began, I suppose..." Draco's voice cracked as he looked out onto the floor beneath him, raising his wand to his head.



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