Your baby or not?

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***I know it's shirt I'm so sorry!!! please don't comment about it being short!!!....I love u guys!***

••Next morning; Kalani's P.O.V••

I woke up on a familiar looking bed.I freaked  out knowing where I was. I smelt horrible and had sharp pains on my wrists and dreadfully on my head. This hangover was T.H.E W.O.R.S.T! it was 1:30 in the afternoon and I had 35 missed calls and 23 messages.They were all from Justin. I got confused because I thought he was here but guess not because he wouldn't have called.

I got really scared that he might be mad because I didn't answer, But I clicked on a message and read:

Kalani baby, I understand you might be in pain because of your hangover, but please just take some aspirin and drink some orange juice. Whenever you get a chance,I also need you to pick me up at the jail station right across from the Cecilia hotel.I love you so much baby.

Received at 1:25.

Hmm not too long ago...I took a really quick shower trying not to faint from the migraine I was experiencing and quickly put on a black tight tank top with khaki's, hooped earrings, black Nike's,Had my hair up in a pony tail (really long hair) and wrapped a prettyful bandanna

I grabbed the aspirin and orange juice Justin suggested me to take and smiled at the thought that he told me to take these to feel better.I really hope we could start fresh.I loved him.

I grabbed mine then Justin's jacket and put mine on because of  the cold....and my cuts.

I was also pretty weak because of the 'incident' I tried to do the other day.As long as Justin doesn't know about me cutting or my 'incident'  I'm all good. If he does find out  and freaks, I totally understand, he just cares. I would've freaked if he was cutting also,but I know he doesn't.

I drove to the jail station  about 25 minutes away and pulled up seeing Justin on the curb.He had his hands on his head and looked worried.That made me worried.

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