We just Cant

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I pulled up at the beach while butterflies fluttered through my stomach.

I had Justin's valentines day present when we missed it together because of our breakup. I didn't want to show him it yet so I hid it in my purse.

A big smile grew on my face until a girl ran up to him and he twirled her in the tanned sand soon kissing her. It soon turned into a make out session. His arms were wrapped around her waist and he kissed her passionately. He left tiny little kisses on her neck as she giggled a few.

I actually smiled.

I was so pissed, it wasn't sad. I wasn't sad because of how ridiculous he was. Well, fine I was a little sad but mostly because the jokes were on me.

I actually thought we would have another chance. But I guess this is the worst as it can get. Its feels like nothing else can get worse because I was already in hell.

I slowly tip toed backwards to my car hoping he wouldn't see me.

He did.

His smile faded into  a quick  "oh no' frown.

I just ran when he soon came after me.

"Kalani, come here!, baby, my love, beautiful, I'll do anything!"

"You'll do anything?" I said stopping looking into his dreadful eyes just a few feet away.

"Anything." he responded with love.

"Then how about you stay the fuck away from me, never texting me, 'nor calling, or even thinking about me! My time here is the biggest waste of my life. I don't even want to breathe in the same room as you. You Are a fucking bastard!" I said throwing someone else's ice cream at him.

Turning around after seeing Justin's angry eyes - woah wait , angry?

My eyes widened, Justin pulled my hair forcing me onto the ground. I screamed punching him in his balls. Anger grew through me as my aggressive side showed. Justin leaned at his balls being in pain I kicked him and punched him. Some people backed up and others tried to break the fight.

Justin got up and threw a slap. I soon got back up giving him a bloody nose; my face has a few scratches leaving some bloody marks. I had  a couple of bruises but I kept punching.

A crowd grew between us still struggling to break the fight. People picked me up as justins body guards also picked him up pulling him away.

He didn't get too far due to me pulling on to his hair (or what's left of it)

"I'LL FUCKING FUCK YOU UP!" he threatened


police guards came rushing towards us putting both of us in hand cuffs.

"You both are under arrests for a public disturbance,  ruining beach property and fighting." the police informed.

He soon shoved my head into the car doing the same to Justin in the other.

We both arrived in the jail cell awaiting for when I get my day in court.

The police guards took me out ordering me to get a mug shot.

I was beyond pissed.

They put the handcuffs back on leading me back.

I walked passed Justin and saw his look. He was upset.

I was sure to learn not to go back to his ass. He disgusts me.

I arrived in my cell only for like 5 minutes because I was told I had a 'visitor'. The police lead me to the phones  and there was a clear glass window between my mom and I.


"Honey, What the fuck has happened?! Are you out of your fucking mind?! Why do you act so stupid?!! You have always been trouble since you were 3! What the hell has happened now?! Your all over the damn news!"

"Justin, he had touched me first! I fought back!"I responded.

*mother sighs*

"I DO NOT want you seeing him anymore! understood? I do not like him and you ARE NOT to see him again. I don't give two shits if he apologizes ...DONT. He is a bad influence that you don't need to be around. I will get you out of here as soon as possible....I love you honey."

"Love you too mom"

Leaving, the police yanked me hard, my reflex came out bad kicking the police. His face was  shocked. I knew there was more trouble coming out of me.

I saw justin and he was crying, my cell had another cell across from me and it was empty until a police directed someone into it.

It was justin.

God damn out of all the other cells why mine?

"Kalani baby,"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP DOOSHBAG! YOU PROMISED!" I sobbed but still was pissed.

"You have every right to not trust me...and to be mad at me. I love you. I'm taking anger management , I swear! I'm trying!"

"I hate you Justin, you are a disgrace. I don't love you. You can go fuck yourself. I don't give a crap about who's trying or not, you have said the same thing for THREE DAMN MONTHS!!" I said in a bitchy tone.

"First, are you on your period? and second, I know your just hurt, I understand, baby just let me explai-"

I cut him off.

"don't explain. I know everything. Its that your a waste of time."

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